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Facilitating an international academic experience could be one of the most rewarding activities you engage with during your tenure as a professor. Although it is a substantial amount of work, your ability to turn theory into practice, concepts into realities and readings into experiences is truly transformative for a student.
A program must carry a minimum of 4 credits (3 credits for graduate programs) with no more than one credit awarded per week of instruction, to assure compliance with state guidelines. This could be a combination of on-campus and in the field instruction, if necessary.
To submit a new program proposal, please complete the questionnaire here: https://ramapo.studioabroad.com/?go=NewProgramProposal.
What happens next?
Your proposal will be reviewed by the International Programs Committee. Once approved, it will move forward to the Academic Review Committee. Finally, you will work with the Director of the Roukema Center for International Education on the development of your program.
There are a selection of our international partners that welcome Professors to come teach for a semester or just a brief module for a few weeks. If this interests you, please contact the Roukema Center to discuss your interests with the Director.
Join CIEE as a guest instructor at one of their four Global Institutes (London, Paris, Rome, or Berlin), home of CIEE’s unique multi-location Open Campus block system.
CIEE guest instructors:
Openings are available for fall, spring and summer terms.
Learn more at: ciee.org/visitingfaculty
If you are a U.S. faculty from a DIS Partner Institution with support from your home study abroad office, you are invited to apply to teach an upper division 3-credit course for one semester at DIS in Copenhagen.
This international collaboration benefits our own faculty, who enjoy knowledge sharing, and is intended to deepen our institutional partnership.
Proposed courses should complement the existing DIS Copenhagen curriculum and site-relevant, planning to make use of local and regional resources. Proposals should submitted at least 18 months in advance. Applicants must attend an International Educators Workshop with DIS prior to submitting an application and please note:
Applications must include:
1) Curriculum vitae
2) Statement of Intent:
3) Proposed course description and a draft syllabus (if available) including prerequisites, relevant majors, and key readings
4) Two professional references: one from your institution’s director of education abroad or similar, and one from a departmental colleague
5) Student evaluations from a recently taught course
DIS will provide you with:
DIS will assist in establishing a professional network, in researching housing, and other practical matters.
Visiting an International Program is the best way to understand what opportunities and experiences are students will engage in while abroad. There are two ways in which you can participate in a site visit:
1.) Group Site Visit – an organized itinerary developed by our partner. The group will include both faculty and staff from throughout the U.S. and usually does not exceed approximately 12 people. Included in the visit our meeting the local staff, sitting in on some classes, visiting the residential or home stay facilities and going on a similar excursion as the students. These visits are the most comprehensive and most likely the majority of in-country costs are borne by the partner. Below are links to our partner’s webpages related to Group Site Visits:
Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)
DIS: Study Abroad in Scandanavia
International Studies Abroad (ISA)
2.) Individual Site Visit – a visit that you will participate and organize yourself (or with the support of the Ramapo International office). You get to set your own agenda to meet your goals. The downside of these are they are generally shorter and less robust, and the cost of participation is much greater. Participation in these should be arranged through the Roukema Center for International Education. Some partners have links for this type of visit as well:
Council on International Education Exchange (CIEE)
International Studies Abroad (ISA)
We ask that any faculty or staff that is interested in participating in either option above, first speak with the Director of International Education, as there could be additional funding/discounts available or specific initiatives in which you could participate.
Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad
developed by the Forum on Education Abroad
Standards of Good Practice for Short-Term Education Abroad Programs
developed by the Forum on Education Abroad
Code of Ethics for Education Abroad
developed by the Forum on Education Abroad
World Higher Education Database – describes higher education institutions, systems and credentials around the world
developed by the International Association of Universities
International Fellowship Opportunities
The TED Fellows program helps world-changing innovators from around the globe become part of the TED community and, with its help, amplifies the impact of their remarkable projects and activities. Fellows are drawn from many disciplines that reflect the diversity of TED’s members: technology, entertainment, design, the sciences, the humanities, the arts, NGOs, business and more.
The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government and is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. The Fulbright Program awards approximately 8,000 new grants annually and operates in over 155 countries worldwide.
If participating in a study abroad program through the Roukema Center for International Education, you will be provided with comprehensive international health insurance through our partner HTH WorldWide. Students and Faculty will be provided with the following coverage: PDF Document.
If you are looking for a plan for independent travel, or in attendance of a workshop, meeting or research, we can suggest the following options:
HTH WorldWide Travel Gap Insurance (PDF)
iNext International Travel Insurance
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