Weekly Japanese Language Happy Hour
Japanese Language Happy Hour continues to be offered virtually via Google Meet every Wednesday at 2pm. For the Spring 2021 semester, we will be joined by a new Fulbright Language […]
Japanese Language Happy Hour continues to be offered virtually via Google Meet every Wednesday at 2pm. For the Spring 2021 semester, we will be joined by a new Fulbright Language […]
Guest Speakers:Sagufta Hanif, Founder of Waste2Worth Social Enterprise, The Fusion Hub.Rupeni Navukitu, Organic Extension Officer for agricultural social enterprise, Loving Islands.Winston Hill, Olympic Boxer and Founder of BoxfitHQRegister for ‘The TP […]
French Conversation HourHosted by Professor Fabien Rivierehttps://ramapo.webex.com/ramapo/j.php?MTID=m8fd57fcbce1534d9487fccafa8d4f98bWednesday, Mar 24, 2021 5:00 pm | 1 hour | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)Occurs every Wednesday effective 3/24/2021 until 5/5/2021 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM, (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)Meeting number: 185 598 8737Password: French2021Join by video systemDial 1855988737@webex.comYou can also dial and enter your […]
Talk Description: What is the good life? And what makes work-life worth living? Exploring possible answers, we use positive psychology theory as a lens to zoom in on work and life in Denmark. The Scandinavian country that constantly ranks amongst the happiest countries in the world. In addition, we will explore why and how to […]
Arabic Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Thursday at 1pm by the Roukema Center for International Education. Sessions will be hosted by a new Fulbright Language Scholar, Ms. Arwa Ayoub from Israel. Join us and practice your language skills while learning about culture, food, music and dance. All levels are welcome. Current students, alumni […]
Arabic Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Thursday at 1pm by the Roukema Center for International Education. Sessions will be hosted by a new Fulbright Language Scholar, Ms. Arwa Ayoub from Israel. Join us and practice your language skills while learning about culture, food, music and dance. All levels are welcome. Current students, alumni […]
Independent Study Project vs. InternshipThursday, 4/8 | 2-2:45pm EDT | Click Here to RegisterIn addition to traditional academic coursework, many of SIT’simmersive semester programs offer students the opportunity to either completean Independent Study Project or an internship. Join us as we walk you throughthe Independent Study Project, internship option, and factors to consider. Thesession will also […]
Ramapo Professor Iraida Lopez will talk about her experiences and the social movement that was sparked just after her arrival for Fulbright in October 2019. The event is sponsored by Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society and LLAS. Event link: https://zoom.us/j/2483949305?pwd=Q1J4dnYzYlg2SDgrQ3N4b1kxWU1ldz09
To Go or Not to Go: Study Abroad During the COVID-19EraFriday, 4/9 | 12pm-1pm EDT | Click Here to RegisterWhat does it take to run a study abroad program amid theCOVID-19 pandemic? Join SIT for an invigorating discussion on the many factorsthat go into facilitating study abroad today, and get an exclusive peek at thetools SIT […]
DIS Information Session & PanelDescription: We welcome you to an information session to learn more about studying abroad with DIS in Copenhagen, Denmark and Stockholm, Sweden! The first half hour will be an information presentation and the second half will be a panel with a faculty member, current student, and alumni.Register: https://umn.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcpceChqD0jH9BWbOHkuqDOs16qfPs093Yz?timezone_id=America%2FNew_York
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