Weekly Arabic Language Happy Hour
Arabic Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Thursday at 1pm by the Roukema Center for International Education. Sessions will be hosted by a new Fulbright Language Scholar, Ms. Arwa […]
Arabic Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Thursday at 1pm by the Roukema Center for International Education. Sessions will be hosted by a new Fulbright Language Scholar, Ms. Arwa […]
Arabic Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Thursday at 1pm by the Roukema Center for International Education. Sessions will be hosted by a new Fulbright Language Scholar, Ms. Arwa […]
DIS Information Session & PanelDescriptionWe welcome you to an information session to learn more about studying abroad with DIS in Copenhagen, Denmark and Stockholm, Sweden! The first half hour will […]
Join a guided conversation between a panel of US students with varying levels of study experience in Aotearoa New Zealand from undergraduate study abroad to PhD. This conversation will cover […]
GRADUATE SCHOOL PREP WORKSHOPThinking about Graduate School? Want to be considered for a prestigious fellowship? It is time to start planning. Attend this virtual workshop on Thursday, March 25, 4-5 […]
Come Dance with Us – Salsa Lesson with SIT PanamaThursday, 3/25 | 8-9pm EDT | Click Here to RegisterStep into the world of salsa dancing with a brief overviewfrom Aly Dagang, […]
Classically trained Indian dancer and choreographer Kiran Rajagopalan performs the first act of his work Vaiśravana, which includes dance, spoken word, and live drumming. Vaiśravaṇa, commonly known as Kubera, is […]
Join the Ramapo College International Student Organization (ISO) in a discussion on the Military Coup and Protests in Myanmar (Burma). Featured guest speaker is international student and alumnus Seint Sandy […]
Virtual Fiji Internships - Discovery SessionThink Pacific have taken their award-winning programs online, so that you can contribute to government development aims in Fiji despite the current challenges.These in-demand internships provide a unique experience within the NGO sector. To learn all you need to know about the program, join this 45 minute Zoom.REGISTER HERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vbwOqbHSTcy7KqnYDcT-WQ
We will be discussing short stories from Mexican, Gambian and Syrian American authors that feature animals, ranging from a mouse that inspires a family of storytellers to the last of the jaguars. All registered participants will receive links to reading materials and virtual meeting information. Register here: https://forms.gle/qbZ3ievqK31L6FgNA Join WebEx Meeting: https://ramapo.webex.com/ramapo/j.php?MTID%3Dm010f13c4199bc2f11ebec1d9a76558dc&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1614105057694000&usg=AOvVaw17Un0u47qt9LTzOH9eY7bh Co-sponsored by: The […]
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