Weekly Arabic Language Happy Hour
Arabic Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Thursday at 1pm by the Roukema Center for International Education. Sessions will be hosted by a new Fulbright Language Scholar, Ms. Arwa […]
Arabic Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Thursday at 1pm by the Roukema Center for International Education. Sessions will be hosted by a new Fulbright Language Scholar, Ms. Arwa […]
Arabic Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Thursday at 1pm by the Roukema Center for International Education. Sessions will be hosted by a new Fulbright Language Scholar, Ms. Arwa […]
To begin API Month, the United Asian Association will be having an event to discuss studying abroad in Asia, featuring experiences from alumni who have studied abroad in Asia as well as additional information about study and internship abroad opportunities by Kathryn Lamanna from the Roukema Center. All are welcome to join and learn about […]
Virtual Fiji Internships - Discovery SessionThink Pacific have taken their award-winning programs online, so that you can contribute to government development aims in Fiji despite the current challenges.These in-demand internships provide a unique experience within the NGO sector. To learn all you need to know about the program, join this 45 minute Zoom.REGISTER HERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vbwOqbHSTcy7KqnYDcT-WQ
Program Description: Professor Augis will discuss her 25 years of field research in the West African countries of Senegal and Niger. She'll explain ways she constantly had to consider her role as an American woman in an African Islamic context, not just for the veracity of her studies, but in order to respect the community […]
The Healthy Body, Mind, and Spirit – PracticeYoga with SIT IndiaTuesday, 4/6 | 11am-12pm EDT | Click Here to RegisterThis session explores the history and holistic health andwell-being benefits of yoga practice, a 5,000-year-old tradition of healing,mindfulness, and inner balance. SIT India: Public Health, Gender, and Community Action and SIT India: Traditional Medicine and Healthcare Practices facultymembers Dr. Azim Khan […]
International Careers in Social JusticeTuesday, 4/6 | 12pm-1pm EDT | Click Here to RegisterDo you dream of using your career to advance a moreequitable, just world? Learn how your master’s degree can give you thefoundation to be the change you want to see. In this session, three SITGraduate Institute professors will share various disciplinary approaches toworking […]
Spring 2021 Hindi Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Tuesday at 1pm.While at home, you can still practice and develop your language skills, meet new friends and reconnect with […]
Rethinking the Good Life: A Global SouthPerspective on Health and Well-beingWednesday, 4/7 | 11am-12pm EDT | Click Here to RegisterThis panel engages with the symptomatic treatment of diseasesfrom the perspective of a 5000-year tradition of health and healing: AYUSH(Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy). Panelists will explore the waysthese Eastern medical traditions can, through a more […]
Spring 2021 Hindi Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Wednesday at 12pm noon.While at home, you can still practice and develop your language skills, meet new friends and reconnect […]
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