Italian Conversation Hour
A, arJoin the Italian Club in A-106 from 1:00p.m.-2:00 p.m. on every other Thursday to learn the Italian language and culture. Pizza will be served. For information, please email
Join the Italian Club in A-106 from 1:00p.m.-2:00 p.m. on every other Thursday to learn the Italian language and culture. Pizza will be served. For information, please email
Program website: All events to take place in the Trustee's Pavilion This event has a Google Hangouts video call. Join:
Try out a Spanish class for free, with Professor Paula Straile-Costa. Have fun, and learn a little Spanish!
Would you like to practice your French language skill? The Roukema Center for International Education offers French Language Happy Hour every other Monday from 1:15pm-2pm in ASB-123. All levels are […]
You are invited to the dedication of the Topken World Language Lab on Wednesday, March 7@ 3:30 p.m. The new lab is located on the 2nd floor of the B-wing, Room B127. The […]
6:00PM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7Cinema Paradiso, 1990Directed by Giuseppe TornatoreA filmmaker recalls his childhood, when he fellin love with the movies at his village’s theaterand formed a deep friendship with the […]
Would you like to practice your Japanese language skill? The Roukema Center for International Education offers Japanese Language Happy Hour every Wednesday from 2-3pm in ASB-123. All levels are welcome. Come join us!For more information, please email or call ext. 7533.
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