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Ramapo International

Italian Cinema Series: Lasciati Andare (Let Yourself Go)


6:00PM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25Lasciati Andare (Let Yourself Go),2017Directed by Francesco AmatoA psychoanalyst named Elia goes to the gym andmeets a personal trainer who changes his life. Thefilm stars Veronica Echegui, […]

Italian Conversation Hour

Join the Italian Club in A-106 from 1:00p.m.-2:00 p.m. on every other Thursday to learn the Italian language and culture. Pizza will be served. For information, please email  

Lenape Language Class

Lenape Language Class held on the third Saturday of each month from 11am-2pm.

Lenape Language Class

Lenape Language Class held on the third Saturday of each month from 11am-2pm.

Lenape Language Class

Lenape Language Class held on the third Saturday of each month from 11am-2pm.

Global Opportunities Fair

. Learn about the more than 500 international program options in more than 65 countries, for academic credit (study, research and internships). Meet with Ramapo's international partners and program alumni. […]

Another Fine Mess: The U.S. Role in Africa’s Wars

Between April and July 1994, hundreds of thousands of Rwandans were murdered in the most rapid genocide ever recorded. In its sheer brutality, the Rwanda genocide has been compared to […]

Italian Night

Birch Tree Cafe

Every Friday night, beginning September 7 at 5 p.m., join other students for all of the Italian classic dishes at Italian Night at the Birch Tree Inn.