Weekly Arabic Language Happy Hour
Arabic Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Thursday at 1pm by the Roukema Center for International Education. Sessions will be hosted by a new Fulbright Language Scholar, Ms. Arwa […]
Arabic Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Thursday at 1pm by the Roukema Center for International Education. Sessions will be hosted by a new Fulbright Language Scholar, Ms. Arwa […]
What: America's most respected authority on European travel, Rick Steves, will offer advice for travelers as the world reopens and predictions of how the global pandemic will change travel. This interview will be conducted by global education expert and journalist, Karin Fischer.This is the first of FEAtured Perspectives, a series of virtual conversations hosted by FEA in celebration […]
Ramapo College Professor of Literature Lisa William will discuss her recently published book, "Forget Russia" with Natalia Santamaría Laorden, Associate Professor of Spanish at Ramapo College, on Thursday, March 18 at 7 p.m. The event will be presented under the auspices of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies and is free and open to […]
Virtual Fiji Internships - Discovery SessionThink Pacific have taken their award-winning programs online, so that you can contribute to government development aims in Fiji despite the current challenges.These in-demand internships provide a unique experience within the NGO sector. To learn all you need to know about the program, join this 45 minute Zoom.REGISTER HERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vbwOqbHSTcy7KqnYDcT-WQ
The Geopolitics of Water as Lived in the Global SouthMonday, 3/22 | 12-1:30pm EDT | Click Here to RegisterThis session dives into one of the most important issues ofthe 21st century: the geopolitics of water. Panelists will discuss the rolewater, “the next oil,” and hydro-diplomacy play in shaping the currentinternational order, while investigating how engineering, environmental […]
Presentation Description: Donald Trump’s presidency gave voice to extreme anti-immigrant sentiments among millions in the United States and elsewhere in the West. However, the anxiety about immigrants and the steadfast resolve to keep out the unwanted intruders have been dominant for decades. Migrants have been portrayed as an army of faceless invaders, men and women […]
Spring 2021 Hindi Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Tuesday at 1pm.While at home, you can still practice and develop your language skills, meet new friends and reconnect with your peers. All levels are welcome. Alumni and former students that went to India on a study abroad program are also invited. Bring your own […]
Join Education New Zealand for a viewing of a conference session titled Lesson from New Zealand: Ensuring Indigenous Inclusion in International Education, featured at the Diversity Abroad Conference in 2020. After viewing the past session, we will hold a discussion with its panellists:Angel Geller (Omaha Tribe & Gilman Scholarship Recipient)Hailey Suina (Chochiti Pueblo & Navajo […]
SIT Virtual Internship in South Africa- aconversation with the internship coordinator, host, and alumniWednesday, 3/24 | 12-1pm EDT | Click Here to RegisterPlease join us to learn more about SIT’s virtual internships.We’ll provide an overview of how our virtual internships work and will behighlighting our South Africa: Virtual Internship in Diplomacy, ConflictResolution, International Relations program. The session willfeature […]
Spring 2021 Hindi Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Wednesday at 12pm noon.While at home, you can still practice and develop your language skills, meet new friends and reconnect with your peers. All levels are welcome. Alumni and former students that went to India on a study abroad program are also invited. Bring your […]
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