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Study STEM Abroad

Study STEM AbroadMonday, 3/15 | 3-3:45pm EDT | Click Here to RegisterSIT offers a wealth of program options focused on STEM topicsfrom ecology, biodiversity, and conservation, to engineering and global health.Learn more about program options and things to consider if you are a STEMstudent interested in studying abroad with SIT. The session will also includegeneral information […]

Weekly Hindi Language Happy Hour


Spring 2021 Hindi Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Tuesday at 1pm.While at home, you can still practice and develop your language skills, meet new friends and reconnect with your peers. All levels are welcome. Alumni and former students that went to India on a study abroad program are also invited. Bring your own […]

SIT Graduate Institute Alumni Panel – Part-Time, Hybrid Master’s Programs

SIT Graduate Institute Alumni Panel – Part-Time,Hybrid Master’s ProgramsTuesday, 3/16 | 5-6pm EDT | Click Here to RegisterAre you interested in earning your master’s degree whilestaying in your job? This session will feature recent alumni who completed SITGraduate Institute’s part-time, hybrid master’s degree programs. Thesepart-time, hybrid programs are designed for working professionals who want toearn an […]

Weekly Hindi Language Happy Hour


Spring 2021 Hindi Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Wednesday at 12pm noon.While at home, you can still practice and develop your language skills, meet new friends and reconnect with your peers. All levels are welcome. Alumni and former students that went to India on a study abroad program are also invited. Bring your […]

Weekly Chinese Language Happy Hour


New for Spring 2021 semester! Chinese Language Happy Hour is offered via Webex every Wednesday at 1pm. Sessions are hosted by Professor Qianhe Zhao who is teaching Foundation Chinese I […]

Weekly Chinese Language Happy Hour


New for Spring 2021 semester! Chinese Language Happy Hour is offered via Webex every Wednesday at 1pm. Sessions are hosted by Professor Qianhe Zhao who is teaching Foundation Chinese I […]

Weekly Hindi Language Happy Hour


Spring 2021 Hindi Language Happy Hour is offered virtually every Wednesday at 1pm.While at home, you can still practice and develop your language skills, meet new friends and reconnect with […]

Weekly Japanese Language Happy Hour

Japanese Language Happy Hour continues to be offered virtually via Google Meet every Wednesday at 2pm. For the Spring 2021 semester, we will be joined by a new Fulbright Language […]

Weekly Japanese Language Happy Hour

Japanese Language Happy Hour continues to be offered virtually via Google Meet every Wednesday at 2pm. For the Spring 2021 semester, we will be joined by a new Fulbright Language […]