Lenape Language Class
Sustainable Center [SEC-104]Lenape Language Class held on the third Saturday of each month from 11am-2pm.
Lenape Language Class held on the third Saturday of each month from 11am-2pm.
. Learn about the more than 500 international program options in more than 65 countries, for academic credit (study, research and internships). Meet with Ramapo's international partners and program alumni. […]
Between April and July 1994, hundreds of thousands of Rwandans were murdered in the most rapid genocide ever recorded. In its sheer brutality, the Rwanda genocide has been compared to […]
Every Friday night, beginning September 7 at 5 p.m., join other students for all of the Italian classic dishes at Italian Night at the Birch Tree Inn.
Lenape Language Class held on the third Saturday of each month from 11am-2pm.
This is the National Day of Papua New Guinea and commemorates independence from Australia on 16 September 1975.
Respect for the Aged Day (敬老の日 Keirō no Hi) is a Japanese designated public holiday celebrated annually to honor elderly citizens. It started in 1966 as a national holiday and was held on every September 15. Since 2003, Respect for the Aged Day is held on the third Monday of September due to the Happy […]
Join the Office of Equity and Diversity Programs for the opening proclamation of Latin@ Heritage Month at the Arch Monday, September 17 at 1 p.m. We will also be watching a special performance. For information, email mmarti13@ramapo.edu
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