70th Anniversay of the United Nations
A history of the United Nations may be found at http://www.un.org/en/aboutun/history/1941-1950.shtml
A history of the United Nations may be found at http://www.un.org/en/aboutun/history/1941-1950.shtml
To apply, please visit: https://ramapo.studioabroad.com/?go=CR%5FAltBreak%5FWinter. Deadline to apply is Sept. 25, 2015.
Lenape Language Class held on the third Saturday of each month from 11am-2pm.
Would you like to practice your French language skill? The Roukema Center for International Education offers French Language Happy Hour every other Monday from 1:15pm-2pm in ASB-123. All levels are welcome. Come join us! For more information, please email goabroad@ramapo.edu or call ext. 7533.
6:00PM WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21Il Conformista (The Conformist), 1970Directed by Bernardo BertolucciThrough a series of flashbacks, Marcello findshimself ordered to assassinate his old acquaintanceand teacher, Professor Quadri, an outspoken antiFascistintellectual now living in exile in France.Using his marriage as a convenient cover, he takeshis wife on their honeymoon to Paris where he cancarry out the mission.The […]
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