70th Anniversay of the United Nations
A history of the United Nations may be found at http://www.un.org/en/aboutun/history/1941-1950.shtml
A history of the United Nations may be found at http://www.un.org/en/aboutun/history/1941-1950.shtml
To apply, please visit: https://ramapo.studioabroad.com/?go=CR%5FAltBreak%5FWinter. Deadline to apply is Sept. 25, 2015.
Celebrates the Independence of Nauru, 31 January 1968. This national day is celebrated by the government, organizing games and choral competitions for the various government departments and instrumentalities. Also, there is a banquet held for the young at hearts.
Would you like to practice your Chinese language skill? Chinese Language Hours are offered every Thursday from 2-4 pm in B-127, World Language Lab. All levels are welcome. Come join us! For more information, please email goabroad@ramapo.edu or call ext. 7533.
Would you like to practice your Chinese language skills? Chinese Language Hours are offered every Thursday from 2-4 pm in B-127, World Language Lab. All levels are welcome. Come join us! For more information, please email goabroad@ramapo.edu or call ext. 7533.
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