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[SC 156-157] Join the RCNJ Master’s of Sustainability Studies for the fourth lecture of the 2017 Series. The lecture entitle, “Snakes and Tigers: Lessons from the Amazon and India for Advancing the Top Predator Model of Ecological Preservation,” presented by author, conservationist, and film-maker, PAUL ROSOLIE.
Specializing in Anaconda for their own sake and as an indicator of ecosystem health, Paul Rosolie has strategically developed a reputation for daring capable of attracting public attention needed to save the Amazon. In his award winning short film and then in his first book, Mother of God, and subsequently, in his work on Discovery channel, Paul took us into the Amazon to places few others have ever been and where we are unlikely ever to ourselves travel. We encounter a wilderness the likes of which we had become convinced no longer existed, a real life Shangri la. And as we plunge deeper into Paul’s—and our—journey—our awe is matched by the tension of knowing that its very existence is at risk of destruction.
Those parking on campus should acquire a parking permit upon entering campus from the guard booth at the north entrance. For additional information or accommodation, contact Professor Michael R. Edelstein at medelste@ramapo.edu.
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