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Submit your International Student Story


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Submit your International Student Story

The Roukema Center for International Education reserves the right to edit your submissions, request more information, or ask for an alternate picture. No edit will be made and then posted to the web page which changes the meaning of the text you submitted. The Roukema Center for International Education also reserves the right not to post a submission which is not in keeping with its mission and values

Pending review, you can expect that your profile will be posted within 1-2 weeks.

Here are a few guidelines/recommendations for your stories:

  • Be succinct
  • Discuss your positive experiences at Ramapo and in the US, and be a bit specific (don’t just say ‘it was great’)
  • Feel free to shout out particular departments, professors, etc.
  • This is not a place to discuss complaints
  • For US Students writing about international students:
    • Discuss the value of international students at Ramapo College
Submit International Student Story
Photo Upload (may submit multiple; can be of you and/or a group)

Maximum file size: 102.4MB

Photo Upload (may submit multiple; can be of you and/or a group)

Maximum file size: 102.4MB

Photo Upload (may submit multiple; can be of you and/or a group)

Maximum file size: 102.4MB