Cybersecurity Awareness
ASB-223Cyber crime has become a multi-billion dollar industry and many cyber crimes can be avoided by following safe computing practices. Learn valuable techniques to help protect your data, identity and […]
Cyber crime has become a multi-billion dollar industry and many cyber crimes can be avoided by following safe computing practices. Learn valuable techniques to help protect your data, identity and […]
Cyber crime has become a multi-billion dollar industry and many cyber crimes can be avoided by following safe computing practices. Learn valuable techniques to help protect your data, identity and […]
Cyber crime has become a multi-billion dollar industry and many cyber crimes can be avoided by following safe computing practices. Learn valuable techniques to help protect your data, identity and […]
Ramapo is switching from Moodle to Canvas by Summer, 2020! Learn the basics of using Canvas for your course, such as navigating the platform, uploading files, adding website links, and […]
Mark you calendar! Wednesday, October 23 from 1 – 4 p.m. is Faculty Development Day. This is a concentrated block of time for instructors to join together, discuss teaching, and develop their skills. Multiple offerings will be scheduled at the same time to provide as many opportunities for participation as possible. All are encouraged to attend! Faculty […]
Ramapo is switching from Moodle to Canvas by Summer, 2020! Learn the basics of using Canvas for your course, such as navigating the platform, uploading files, adding website links, and […]
The cost of textbooks increases every year, but so does the availability of free web-based texts, materials, and other teaching resources that can improve the learning experience. This session introduces the concept behind OER and introduces efforts on campus to build an OER community. The workshop will also introduce available OER platforms and sites that […]
Join other Apple users on campus to share knowledge and learn more about Macintosh computers, iPhones and iPads. Topics of discussion will be determined by the group’s interests and will vary each […]
Cyber crime has become a multi-billion dollar industry and many cyber crimes can be avoided by following safe computing practices. Learn valuable techniques to help protect your data, identity and […]
Ramapo is switching from Moodle to Canvas by Summer, 2020! Learn the basics of using Canvas for your course, such as navigating the platform, uploading files, adding website links, and […]
Webex is a powerful teaching and conferencing platform that enables instructors to conduct live online classes and office hours. This workshop will introduce the basics of Webex and demonstrate its […]
This session will introduce you to the capabilities of the newest version of TechSmith Relay to record lectures and presentations that can be shared with students. Capture everything that you […]
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