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Instructional Design Center

Webex Teams

This session will review the functionality of WebEx Teams and it’s best practices. Webex Teams is a collaborative, persistent environment organized into Spaces and Teams. Teams allows for both asynchronous and synchronous features. Teams allows chat discussion, sharing of files, whiteboards, links, launch Webex Meetings, and more. Unlike Webex Meetings which end after the meeting […]

Cybersecurity Awareness

Cyber crime has become a multi-billion dollar industry and many cyber crimes can be avoided by following safe computing practices. Learn valuable techniques to help protect your data, identity and avoid online fraud. Password best practices Identifying fraudulent emails Safe web browsing Social media safety Virus protection Backing up your data Open to everyone. Presenter: […]

How to User Webex 101 for End Users

This Webinar workshop will review the basics of WebEx. This includes how to Join a Meeting, how to Schedule a Meeting, and functionality in the meeting. Presenter: Webex Trainer Open […]

Cybersecurity Awareness

Cyber crime has become a multi-billion dollar industry and many cyber crimes can be avoided by following safe computing practices. Learn valuable techniques to help protect your data, identity and […]

Get Started with Qualtrics Online Surveys

Create your Qualtrics account and get an overview of Qualtrics so you can begin your first survey. Learn about the available question types, survey options, methods of distributing your survey, and […]

Apple User Group

Join other Apple users on campus to share knowledge and learn more about Macintosh computers, iPhones and iPads. Topics of discussion will be decided by the group. Open to everyone. Facilitator: Trish Williams Register

Set up A Turnitin Assignment in Canvas

Turnitin Feedback Studio is an excellent resource for combating plagiarism. It is also thoroughly compatible with Canvas. This workshop will guide instructors on how to establish Turnitin assignments within Canvas, and demonstrate the benefits of using these powerful instructional tools. Pedagogy Connection: Canvas is Ramapo’s Learning Management System. This workshop guides instructors on how to […]

How To Use Webex 101 for End Users

This Webinar workshop will review the basics of WebEx. This includes how to Join a Meeting, how to Schedule a Meeting, and functionality in the meeting. Presenter: Webex Trainer Open to faculty, staff and students Register

Exploring Open Educational Resources (OER) in Canvas Commons

This workshop will provide an overview of Canvas Commons and Open Educational Resources (OER) and how you can implement them in your courses to reduce the cost of course materials. We will focus on the Canvas LMS Commons, which is a repository that includes OER course materials that can be easily imported into your Canvas […]

Advanced Webex

This workshop will review more advanced Webex functionality for end users. This will include whiteboarding, breakout rooms, and more. Presenter: Webex Trainer Open to faculty, staff and students Register

Webex for Education

This workshop will review functionality specifically for use in an education setting. Presenter: Webex Trainer Open to faculty, staff and students Register

How To Use Webex 101 for End Users

This Webinar workshop will review the basics of WebEx. This includes how to Join a Meeting, how to Schedule a Meeting, and functionality in the meeting. Presenter: Webex Trainer Open to faculty, staff and students Register