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Instructional Design Center

Get Up and Running in Canvas in One Hour

Learn the basics of using Canvas for your course, such as navigating the platform, uploading files, adding website links, and embedding multimedia elements onto your course page. An introduction to […]

Get Up and Running in Canvas in One Hour

Learn the basics of using Canvas for your course, such as navigating the platform, uploading files, adding website links, and embedding multimedia elements onto your course page. An introduction to the quiz and gradebook functions will also be provided. This course is highly recommended for all faculty. Pedagogy Connection: Canvas is Ramapo’s Learning Management System. This […]

How to Use Webex 101 for End Users

This Webinar workshop will review the basics of WebEx. This includes how to Join a Meeting, how to Schedule a Meeting, and functionality in the meeting. Presenter: Webex Trainer Open […]

Webex for Education

This workshop will review functionality specifically for use in an education setting. Presenter: Webex Trainer Open to faculty and staff Register

Poll Everywhere, Flipgrid, and other Exciting Technologies for the Virtual Classroom

This workshop presents some of the latest technologies to help increase student engagement in a virtual classroom. Participants will practice using free, web-based tools that can be incorporated into courses as activities, assignments, and reflections. The workshop will also demonstrate how to embed or link these tools into Canvas. Pedagogy Connection: In a virtual classroom, […]

Creating Assignments and Using the Gradebook in Canvas

Canvas enables instructors to present assignments, view submitted student work, and provide feedback in an effective and efficient manner. This workshop covers how to create a new Assignment, set due dates and other criteria, and use the Canvas grading and gradebook systems. Pedagogy Connection: Canvas is now the College’s Learning Management System. This workshop guides […]

Advanced Webex

This workshop will review more advanced Webex functionality for end users. This will include whiteboarding, breakout rooms, and more. Presenter: Webex Trainer Open to faculty, staff and students Register

Creating Quizzes in Canvas

Instructors can create quizzes, midterms, and final exams through Canvas. This workshop introduces how to set the details of a quiz, add a variety of questions, and make accommodations for students with OSS accommodations. Pedagogy Connection: Canvas is now the College’s Learning Management System. This workshop guides instructors on how to successfully create online assessments […]

Record and Share Your Lectures with TechSmith Knowmia

This session will introduce you to the capabilities of the newest version of TechSmith Knowmia (formerly called Relay) to record lectures and presentations that can be shared with students. Capture […]

How to Use Webex 101 for End Users

This Webinar workshop will review the basics of WebEx. This includes how to Join a Meeting, how to Schedule a Meeting, and functionality in the meeting. Presenter: Webex Trainer Open […]

Apple User Group

Join other Apple users on campus to share knowledge and learn more about Macintosh computers, iPhones and iPads. Topics of discussion will be decided by the group. Open to everyone. […]

Cybersecurity Awareness

Cyber crime has become a multi-billion dollar industry and many cyber crimes can be avoided by following safe computing practices. Learn valuable techniques to help protect your data, identity and […]