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Instructional Design Center

Faculty Development Day

Wednesday, February 24 from 1 – 4 p.m. is Faculty Development Day.  This is a concentrated block of time for instructors to join together, discuss teaching, and develop their skills.  Multiple offerings will be scheduled at the same time to provide as many opportunities for participation as possible.  All are encouraged to attend! Faculty Development Day is […]

Canvas Teaching Circle

This teaching circle focuses on the use of Canvas. Participants will share their experiences with Canvas, including their successes and challenges. We will also review the Canvas tools for content […]

Canvas Teaching Circle

This teaching circle focuses on the use of Canvas. Participants will share their experiences with Canvas, including their successes and challenges. We will also review the Canvas tools for content […]

Canvas Teaching Circle

This teaching circle focuses on the use of Canvas. Participants will share their experiences with Canvas, including their successes and challenges. We will also review the Canvas tools for content […]

Canvas Refresher and Best Practices

Review the basics of using Canvas for your course, including Modules, Assignments, Pages, Discussions, Quizzes, and Importing Content. Consider best practices for delivering clear instructions and organizing your course in a logical way. Recommended for new faculty and those who want a refresher on the basics of Canvas. This workshop will be offered virtually on […]

Canvas Refresher: Modules and Pages

Canvas courses are structured on Modules and Pages as the modes for delivering content, assignments, and more. This workshop focuses on how to use Modules and Pages to structure a course. Participants will view examples from a current course and explore the different ways in which Modules and Pages can be used to successfully manage […]

Canvas Refresher: Assignments and Quizzes

Canvas is a powerful tool for delivering course assignments and assessments. This workshop focuses on how to use the Assignment and Quiz tools, provide feedback, and organize grades. Participants will view examples from a Canvas course and explore a range of feedback options. This workshop also introduces how to set the details of a Quiz, […]

Canvas Discussions: Enhancing Student Communication and Engagement

Canvas is a powerful tool for increasing student engagement with interactive discussion forums. Participants will examine the simple process for creating discussion forums to promote community and engagement in your course. The workshop will introduce examples from Canvas courses. Pedagogy Connection: This workshop guides instructors on how to increase student engagement and classroom community through […]

Getting Started with Canvas

Review the basics of using Canvas for your course, including Modules, Pages, Discussions, Navigation, and Importing Content. This course is recommended for new faculty and those who want a refresher on the basics of Canvas. Pedagogy Connection: Canvas is Ramapo’s Learning Management System. This workshop guides instructors on how to use Canvas as a tool […]

Creating Assignments and Using the Gradebook in Canvas

Canvas enables instructors to present assignments, view submitted student work, and provide feedback. This workshop covers how to create a new Assignment, set due dates and other criteria, and use the Canvas grading and gradebook systems. Common questions and trouble-shooting will be covered as well.  Pedagogy Connection: Canvas is Ramapo’s Learning Management System. This workshop […]

Canvas Mobile: Maximize Your Course for the Student App

Surveys in higher education show that more than 65 percent of students use mobile apps to complete their coursework. Learn how to optimize your Canvas course for mobile delivery. Covered material will include using text headers within Modules to help guide student navigation, chunking content into smaller parts, using Pages to display content instead of […]

How To Set Up A Turnitin Assignment in Canvas

Turnitin Feedback Studio is an excellent resource for combating plagiarism. It is also thoroughly compatible with Canvas. This workshop will guide instructors on how to establish Turnitin assignments within Canvas, and demonstrate the benefits of using these powerful instructional tools. Pedagogy Connection: Canvas is Ramapo’s Learning Management System. This workshop guides instructors on how to […]