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Instructional Design Center

Open Educational Resources (OER): What’s It All About?


The cost of textbooks increases every year, but so does the availability of free web-based texts, materials, and other teaching resources that can improve the learning experience. This session introduces the concept behind OER and introduces efforts on campus to build an OER community. The workshop will also introduce available OER platforms and sites that […]

Faculty Development Day

Wednesday, April 10 from 1 – 4 p.m. is Faculty Development Day.  This is a concentrated block of time for instructors to join together, discuss teaching, and develop their skills.  Multiple offerings will be scheduled at the same time to provide as many opportunities for participation as possible.  All are encouraged to attend! Faculty Development Day […]

Boosting Student Feedback with Technology: Online Course Evaluations, Assessment Surveys, and More


Learn best practices and practical ideas to boost student participation in online course evaluations along with other strategies for soliciting and incorporating student feedback. This workshop will introduce concepts like assessment surveys, exit slips, and flipgrids to boost the opportunity for student to relay their thoughts and opinions about course content and delivery. Presenter: Michael […]