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  • Library/Regional Resource Center

    to furnish teachers at every grade level with the books, periodicals, visual aids, videos and new media they need to impart the history and lessons of the Holocaust and other genocides.

  • Emil Gumpert Teachers Workshops (K-12)

    to support implementation of the New Jersey State Mandate on Holocaust Education.

  • Course Offerings

    to reach the current generation of college and graduate students with the latest knowledge and scholarship. Courses include The Holocaust and the Media, Paradigms of Genocide  Hitler, the Holocaust and Genocide, The Jews in Twentieth-Century Europe, and Europe Between the Wars).

  • Lecture and Film Series

    to inform the Ramapo College and general communities about current, issues and debates in Holocaust and genocide studies.

  • Survivor Speakers Bureau

    to bring alive the experience of the Holocaust and the dangers of bigotry to students of all ages.

  • Video Testimony Project (in cooperation with Yale University’s Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies)

    to preserve for posterity first-hand accounts by survivors, bystanders, resistance members, protectors of Jews, and liberator of the Nazi persecutions. The videotaped interviews thus produced constitute a living memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.

  • In-service Presentations

    to make teachers and administrators aware of best practice methodologies in implementing the New Jersey State Mandate on Holocaust Education.

  • Commemoration

    to observe and reflect upon the destruction of European Jewry at the hands of the Nazis. Each year special programs and ceremonies are held on Yom HaShoah/Holocaust Remembrance Day (the 27th of Nisan in the Jewish calendar) and Kristallnacht (November 9/10, 1938, the so-called “Night of Broken Glass” pogrom in Germany and Austria).