Professor of Political Science
Year Joined RCNJ: 2005
Contact Information
- B.A. University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Ph.D. University of Texas
Courses Offered:
- American Government
- Political Methodology
- Campaigns and Elections
- Political Behavior
- Military, Politics, and Society
Teaching Interests:
- American government
- Elections
- Voter Behavior
- Research Methods
Research Interests:
- Elections and Electoral Behavior
- Political Participation
- Military veterans
Scholarly Activity:
- Why Veterans Run: Military Service in American Presidential Elections, 1789-2016. Book published by Temple University Press, 2018.
- “Military Service and Political Participation in the United States: Institutional Experience and the Vote,” (with David Leal). 2018. Electoral Studies. 52: 99-110.
- “Density, Race, and Vote Choice in the 2008 and 2012 Presidential Elections,” (with Daron Shaw and Seth McKee). 2017. Research & Politics. 4(2).
- “The New Blue: Northern In-Migration in Southern Presidential Elections,” (with Seth McKee). 2016. PS: Political Science & Politics. 49(2): 228-233.
- “Experimental Methods in Military and Veteran Studies.” 2014. In Soeters, J., Shields, P. M., and Rietjens, B. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Military Studies. New York: Routledge.
- “Military Experience in Elections and Perceptions of Issue Competence: An Experimental Study with Television Ads,” 2013. Armed Forces & Society. 39(3): 415-433.
- “Conventional and Distinctive Policy Preferences of Early Twenty-First-Century Veterans.” 2012. In Ortiz, S. (ed.), Veterans’ Policy, Veterans’ Politics. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
- “Barack Obama’s ‘American’ Problem: Unhyphenated Americans in the 2008 Elections,” (with Brian Arbour). 2011. Social Science Quarterly. 92(3): 563-587.
- “Orphan Counties and the Effect of Irrelevant Information on Turnout in Statewide Races,” (with Keena Lipsitz). 2010. Political Communication. 27(2): 178-198.
- “Probing the Reds and Blues: Sectionalism and Voter Location in the 2000 and 2004 U.S Presidential Elections,” (with Seth McKee). 2009. Political Geography. 28(8): 484-495
- “Conscription vs. Security?: Georgian Military Institution Building and NATO Enlargement, 1991-2008,” (with Julie George). 2008 European Security 17 (2 & 3): 339-366
- “Enduring Effects of the Uniform: Previous Military Experience and Voting Turnout.” 2006. Political Research Quarterly. 59(4): 601-607.
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