Gumpert Teachers Workshop
Justice and Human Rights Advocacy in Preventing and Punishing Genocide
Justice and Human Rights Advocacy in Preventing and Punishing Genocide
Natalia Santamaria-Laorden, Associate Professor of Spanish, will be presenting excerpts from her research and writings: “Transatlantic Visions of the Spanish fin-de si`ecle Regeneration Movement.” A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation.
Ann Lau “Perception and Reception in ‘The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket’ and ‘A Pair of Tickets’” Christopher Self “Post-9/11 Transformation of al-Qaeda” Kurtis Tuohy “Alias Grace and Dissociative Personality Disorder”
Hugh Sheehy, Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and Literature presents “An Hour of Fiction”
Dr. Ellen Ross, Emerita Professor of History and Women’s Studies at Ramapo College of New Jersey will discuss “Food and Shelter for Seven Million: The Women of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) 1945-1947.” She will look at some of the encounters the women of UNRRA had with the occupying armies and with the […]
Professor Neriko Doerr & Ramapo Student Patricia Bergamasco present “Minority Immigrant Students Already Have ‘Global Competence’: Acknowledging and Enhancing Overlooked Skills in Study Abroad and Alternative Break Abroad Experiences”
Peter Jackson's Hobbit trilogy, to the audience that loved the Lord of the Rings films, is an exciting opportunity to revisit Tolkien's fantastic world and see favorite characters acting out their earlier adventures. The reader of the books, though, is often likely to find the difference in tone between the children's book and the vastly […]
Dr. Joshua D. Zimmerman, Professor of History and the Eli and Diana Zborowski Professorial Chair in Holocaust Studies at Yeshiva University in New York, will discuss his recent book “The Polish Underground and the Jews, 1939–1945.” He will examine one of the central problems in the history of Polish-Jewish relations: the attitude and the behavior […]
Robert A. Scott Student Center, Alumni Lounges (SC156) The Liberation of the Concentration Camp of Gunskirchen Mr. Alan Moskin G.I. Liberator
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