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Ramapo Links and Resources

Academic Integrity: Ramapo’s policy and library sources. Turn-it-in online software for originality report on students’ work [e-copy of paper required]. Refer cases to The Office of the Provost.

Faculty Assembly: timely announcements and archived reports of interest to faculty

Faculty Handbook: procedures for personnel decisions.

Center for Reading and Writing: for students who need help with ESL, mathematics, reading and writing.

Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable (TLTR): offers grants to support technology projects

Instructional Design Center: offers practical workshops for training and student assistants for individual help

Technology Help Desk: for computer and related issues


General Links and Resources

The Teaching Professor: the newsletter is a forum for discussion of the best strategies supported by the latest research for effective teaching in the college classroom. The articles are short with much practical advice.

Time Management for New Faculty (PDF) [from SIGMOD Record]

Quadrant “To Do” List (PDF) [from Stephen Covey]

Organizing a Writing Group (PDF) [from Elizabeth Rankin]

A Self-Directed Guide to Designing Courses for Significant Learning: L. Dee Fink’s guide to redesigning courses


Please find here helpful guides/resources gathered from Faculty Professional Development Sources

Teaching, Learning, Researching with Artificial Intelligence

Microsoft Word – NJ AI Task Force Report_10-31-24_LR_CC.docx


AI Pedagogy Project at Harvard

Recorded Panel on Teaching in the Age of AI from University of Notre Deam

Resources for Preparing a Teaching Statement

Teaching Practices Inventory [University of British Columbia; targeted to Science and Math lecture courses]

Classroom Guides

Election Resources:

Post Election Advice for the (High School) Classroom

Non-partisan Voter Guides: Guides.Vote

University of Michigan’s Preparing to Teach During the 2024 Election

Temple University’s Election Resource Guide