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This recommended four-year plan is designed to provide a blueprint for students to complete their degrees within four years. These plans are the recommended sequences of courses. Students must meet with their Major Advisor to develop a more individualized plan to complete their degree. This plan assumes that no developmental courses are required. If developmental courses are needed, students may have additional requirements to fulfill which are not listed in the plan and degree completion may take longer.

NOTE: This recommended Four-Year Plan is applicable to students admitted into the major during the 2018-2019 academic year.

First Year

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

Second Year

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

Third Year

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

Fourth Year

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

  • General Elective: Elective 2 ( HRS 4)
  • General Elective: Elective 3 ( HRS 4)
  • General Elective: Elective 4 ( HRS 4)
  • General Elective: Elective 5 + ( HRS 3)
  • Total: (HRS 15)

The General Education courses can be taken in any sequence, not necessarily what is suggested here.

Total Credits Required: 128 credits

GPA Required: 2.0


* This course has a pre-requisite.  Please refer to the course catalog for information about pre-requisites.


# Biology electives with Lab or Field experiences are up to to 5.5 credits.


A This course requires a CLM test for placement purposes.


+ Depending on the Biology electives selected, students may need to take a 5th General Elective to reach 128 credits.


WI: Writing Intensive-3 required in the major