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Education after high school costs time, money, and effort. It’s a big investment, but well worth it. At Ramapo College of New Jersey, we help students manage their costs through a combination of federal, state, and institutional funds.
About 67 percent of Ramapo’s students receive more than $40 million in aid. This aid includes grants – funds which the students are awarded but don’t have to pay back – and loans, which must be repaid. Students also can receive a work-study job to earn money to help pay for school.
The Office of Financial Aid is now scheduling appointments for students who need to conduct business in person. Appointments can be made through email at finaid@ramapo.edu or through our chat located on our website. In person appointments are available Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. However, we are confident that most questions can be handled without in-person visits via a phone call, a Webex meeting or email.
If you or your family are experiencing financial hardships or family circumstances have changed please email or call the Office of Financial Aid so we can discuss your situation and the possibility of a re-evaluation of your financial aid award.
Please be aware, students must now Accept or Decline Federal Direct Loans through the Ramapo College Self-Service. Your loan will not appear on your bill until you do so. Please follow these instructions:
Log into Ramapo College Self-Service with your Ramapo Email username and password
The Award Overview tab is a summary of your financial aid package. The Terms and Conditions tab provides you with important information about your awards. The “Accept Award Offer” tab is where you must choose to accept or decline your loans.
Other Important Information:
NJ Residents make sure that you complete the required additional state questions no later than September 15.
To provide this information online, you must create a login to HESAA’s NEW student information system, NJFAMS to do this:
Phone: (201) 684-7549 | Fax: (201) 684-7085
E-mail: finaid@ramapo.edu
Location: E-210 (Academic Building)
Academic Year: Monday- Friday; 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Summer: Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM – 5:15 PM Fridays CLOSED
F. Shawn O’Neill
Director of Financial Aid
E-mail: foneill@ramapo.edu
Phone: 201-684-7550
Office: E-210A
Christine Forgie
Managing Assistant Director of Financial Aid
E-mail: forgiec@ramapo.edu
Phone: (201) 684-7255
Office: E-210
Tancy Nunez
Assistant Director Financial Aid
E-mail: tnunez@ramapo.edu
Phone: (201) 684-7242
Office: E-207
Chrisanne McGarvey
Assistant Director / Systems Manager
E-mail: cmcgarve@ramapo.edu
Phone: (201) 684-7548
Office: E208
Gina Toriello
Data Assistant / VA School Certification Offic
E-mail: gtoriell@ramapo.edu
Phone: (201) 684-7252
Office: E-209
Julia Pezzimenti
Financial Aid Assistant - PTB 12 mo
E-mail: jpezzime@ramapo.edu
Phone: (201) 684-7549
Office: E-210
Patricia Migliorisi
Program Coord / Student Assistant Program
E-mail: pmiglior@ramapo.edu
Phone: (201) 684-7224
Office: E-210C
Amy Brener
Financial Aid Counselor
E-mail: abrener@ramapo.edu
Phone: (201) 684-7549
Nince Vasquez
Financial Aid Counselor
E-mail: nvasque5@ramapo.edu
Phone: (201) 684-7549
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