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Present: Ken McMurdy (President, TAS), Katie Cohen (Library), Amruth Kumar (TAS), Marc Gidal (CA), Malakiva Sundararajan (ASB), Dean Chen (Vice President, HGS), John McTighe (SSHS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)*
*Both Councilor-at-Large positions are currently open.
Vote to bring meeting to order at 10:00am.
FA President’s Report:
FAEC Discussion:
FAEC Guests: None
Meeting adjourned at 12:06 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
Present: Ken McMurdy (President, TAS), Katie Cohen (Library), Amruth Kumar (TAS), Marc Gidal (CA), Malakiva Sundararajan (ASB), Dean Chen (Vice President, HGS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
Absent: John McTighe (SSHS)*
* Both Councilor-at-Large positions are currently open.
Vote to bring meeting to order at 10:00am.
FA President’s Report:
FAEC Discussion:
FAEC Guests: None
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes
Motion and seconded to bring the meeting to order at 1:06 pm.
No objections to April 6th FA minutes.
Faculty Assembly President’s Report: Summarized and updated state of matters. This is Naseem’s last FA as President, Ken is assuming the Presidency. FAEC has been working with the College President and Provost’s Offices on a variety of matters.
College President’s Report: Summarized and updated state of matters. Discussed a variety of positive recent events at the college. Discussion of New Jersey governance and state support of higher education. President asserted her support for international education.
Provost’s Report: Summarized and updated state of matters. Discussed more recent events at the college highlighting student research.
Provost’s Service Award: Tammy Redd honored for her many, many contributions to the college and more broadly.
Open forum: Questions/Comments
New Business
Faculty Handbook Taskforce: Prof. Perez-Strumolo: Presented detailed explanation of changes to proposed changes based on faculty feedback since the proposed handbook changes were presented at the last FA.
Special Order
International Education at Ramapo College: SGA-FA Joint Resolution (distributed, 4/25/2022): The Joint Resolution asserts the college’s foundational support to international education as one of Ramapo’s four pillars.
Motion and seconded to adjourn at 2:46 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
Present: Naseem Choudhury (President, SSHS), Bonnie Blake (Adjunct Councilor, CA), Katie Cohen (Library), Donna Flynn (Councilor-at-Large under 11, TAS), Ken McMurdy (TAS), Lisa Lutter, (CA), Thierry Rakotobe-Joel (ASB), Mihaela Serban (SSHS), Ed Shannon (Vice President, HGS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
Vote to bring meeting to order at 10:02am.
Minutes Approval: The 04/20/22 minutes were approved.
Joint proposed resolution has been drafted by FA and SGA regarding support of international education at Ramapo.
Meeting with President: Report on the meeting with the College President.
Meeting with Provost: Report on the meeting with Provost.
No volunteers for the FA Representative to the Bias Response Team.
Discussion of fall scheduling, NTTP MOA, and wrap-up of the academic year.
New Business:
College President Jebb: Reflection on the experience of the past year and aspirations for next year. Discussion of the future series and the P&Ps. Discussion of New Jersey higher education matters and state government. Discussion of the posture statement. P&Ps included a First Gen Center and a Digital Humanities Center.
Interim Provost Gaulden: Reflection on recent events such Scholars’ Day and discussion of the many upcoming events that are wrapping up the academic year. Discussion of state legislative bills currently being considered. Discussion of FTTP MOA and upcoming position postings. Asserted that lecturers, due to the fact that they are not required to engage in scholarship, are going to be used to bolster support for students due to the pandemic. Discussion of international education and additional matters.
Universal agreement on Ramapo’s commitment to international education.
FAEC Guests: College President Cindy Jebb; Interim Provost Susan Gaulden
Meeting adjourned at 12:12 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
Present: Naseem Choudhury (President, SSHS), Bonnie Blake (Adjunct Councilor, CA), Katie Cohen (Library), Donna Flynn (Councilor-at-Large under 11, TAS), Ken McMurdy (TAS), Lisa Lutter, (CA), Thierry Rakotobe-Joel (ASB), Mihaela Serban (SSHS), Ed Shannon (Vice President, HGS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
Vote to bring meeting to order at 10:04am.
Minutes Approval: The 04/13/22 minutes were approved.
The FA President presented a brief report.
New Business:
Anjali Patel and Paolo Miyashiro Bedoya: Spoke on proposed changes to the Roukema Center and concerns that SGA has regarding how these changes will impact international education, international students, study abroad, and Fulbrights. Discussion of support of international education as one of Ramapo’s pillars.
Rikki Abzug: Report on the last Board of Trustees meeting. Discussion of the financial health of the college.
Chris Romano: Report on admitted student deposits for incoming year. Deposits are up over last year on this date. Last Admitted Students Day is upcoming Sunday.
FAEC Guests: Anjali Patel (SGA President) and Paolo Miyashiro Bedoya (SGA Vice President); Rikki Abzug (BOT FA Rep.); Chris Romano (EMSA).
Meeting adjourned at 12:21 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
Present: Naseem Choudhury (President, SSHS), Bonnie Blake (Adjunct Councilor, CA), Katie Cohen (Library), Donna Flynn (Councilor-at-Large under 11, TAS), Ken McMurdy (TAS), Lisa Lutter, (CA), Thierry Rakotobe-Joel (ASB), Mihaela Serban (SSHS), Ed Shannon (Vice President, HGS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
Vote to bring meeting to order at 10:08am.
Minutes Approval: The 04/06/22 minutes were approved.
The FA President presented a short report.
International Education: Discussion of changing policies or potentially changing policies in International Education. Strongly felt that International Education must be maintained as central to the college and integrated across the college as a whole. Equity must be emphasized in students’ access to study abroad.
Padavano Commons: Discussion of administrative resistance to Padavano Commons being returned as the only faculty lounge on campus. Due to the pandemic it was temporarily converted to general space.
Pilot courses [TFCDM]:
ITS – Discussion of administrative access to faculty email.
New Business:
EDIC concerns: Nicole Morgan-Agard and Rachel Sawyer – Discussion of the bias complaint response team, function and roles of faculty on the team. Discussion of what constitutes bias and what constitutes a complaint. There is an online complaint form, individuals can also send an email and that constitutes a complaint as well. The complaint does not need to be formally labeled as a complaint or request any action, but need only raise concerns that bias has occurred. Bias is constituted by works; discrimination is viewed more as actions. College response to bias can be limited due to freedom of speech; however, college offers a restorative justice option to all individuals involved who can voluntarily choose to participate.
HR concerns: Discussion of HR matters.
FAEC Guests: CDO Morgan-Agard & Rachel Sawyer (Associate Dir.)
Meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes 04/06/2022
Motion and seconded to bring the meeting to order at 1:02pm.
No objections to March 2nd FA minutes.
Moment of Silence in Memory of Asha Mehta
Faculty Assembly President’s Report: Summarized and updated state of matters
College President’s Report: Summarized and updated state of matters. Discussed a variety of positive recent events at the college.
Provost’s Report: Summarized and updated state of matters. Discussed more recent events at the college highlighting student research.
Open forum: Questions/Comments
Maya raised the students are still recovering from the exhaustion of the pandemic. Students have raised concerns that they want more face-to-face interaction from administrative offices rather than online through email and websites.
New Business
Final Report of the Course Delivery Mode Task Force – presented by Stephanie Sarabia and Michael Bitz:
Four Sub-groups: literature review; other institutions; Ramapo College past data/reports; Ramapo needs assessment
Recommendation 1: The College should pilot the virtual synchronous delivery mode.
Recommendation 2: The College should pilot the virtual hybrid (aka “blended” combination of virtual synchronous and asynchronous course delivery mode).
The full report has been disseminated to faculty through email. At the next FA meeting, faculty will be voting on endorsement of the report.
Faculty Handbook Revisions Taskforce, Virginia Galdieri (AVP, HR) & Taskforce members
Lysandra presented the Task Force Report:
Presentation of the task force charge, data gathering procedures, sub-groupings, operation objectives, and highlights. Everyone is strongly encouraged to read the full document. Upcoming vote on endorsement.
Motion and seconded to adjourn at 2:18 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
Present: Naseem Choudhury (President, SSHS), Bonnie Blake (Adjunct Councilor, CA), Katie Cohen (Library), Donna Flynn (Councilor-at-Large under 11, TAS), Ken McMurdy (TAS), Thierry Rakotobe-Joel (ASB), Mihaela Serban (SSHS), Ed Shannon (Vice President, HGS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
Vote to bring meeting to order at 10:07am.
Minutes Approval: The 03/30/22 minutes were approved.
Discussed the importance of faculty attending the Future Series. Strategic Posture Statement is upcoming.
Question regarding special payments and compensations other positions: Discussion of need for a database explaining what positions get what compensation – lack of transparency regarding director or add-on titles.
ITS: Access to emails – parameters are being created for when the administration can access a faculty member’s email.
Discussion of sabbaticals.
Discussion of NTT Faculty (Non-Tenure Track Faculty) at the college. Discussion of NTT Faculty representation in FA. Are NTT Faculty covered by the Faculty Handbook?
Report on the Communications Meeting: Ed Shannon and Katie Cohen provided the report. Covered branding initiatives, see website. Report changes may be coming in regard to Banner.
New Business:
Interim Provost Gaulden: Bischoff and Thomases Awards were last week. Junior Faculty Dinners are recommencing once per semester, one occurred last week and was very successful.
Discussion of posting on poster boards in the hallways of the academic buildings.
Recent Admitted Student Day was a success despite poor weather and a transition of planned external events to indoor locations.
Discussion of restructuring with grants coming under Academic Affairs and the hope of greater relationships developed between faculty and grants office.
Interim Provost Gaulden’s vision of the function of NTTP at the college is not to replace tenure-track lines at the college. NTTP would be used to replace temp lines that can only exist for three years. Additionally, new programs could be started with NTTP with the understanding that the positions could be converted to tenure-track positions if the new program is successful. Additionally, NTTP are not required to conduct research. Therefore, the vision includes NTTP taking a larger leadership role in service thereby allowing tenure-faculty to lean more heavily into their research on balance.
FAEC Guests: Interim Provost Gaulden
Meeting adjourned at 12:28 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
Present: Naseem Choudhury (President, SSHS), Katie Cohen (Library), Donna Flynn (Councilor-at-Large under 11, TAS), Ken McMurdy (TAS), Thierry Rakotobe-Joel (ASB), Mihaela Serban (SSHS), Ed Shannon (Vice President, HGS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
Vote to bring meeting to order at 10:00am.
Minutes Approval: The 03/23/22 minutes were approved.
Shared Governance Meeting: Discussion of the Shared Governance Meeting.
Communications Meetings are happening today.
New Business:
Roukama Center and International Studies Major: Discussion of massive changes happening.
CRWT and Studies for Arts and Humanities: Discussion of massive changes happening.
Discussion regarding administrative procedure where a student/faculty disagreement occurs.
Discussion of the challenges presented by lack of college services in the evenings. Is there a possibility of staggering hours so that there is some coverage for services in the evenings? For example, IT assistance for events occurring in the evening? Relatedly, concerns were raised regarding the difficulty of organizing events because of the extent of the decentralization of organizational matters for planning and orchestrating events.
FAEC Guests: None
Meeting adjourned at 11:43 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
Present: Naseem Choudhury (President, SSHS), Katie Cohen (Library), Donna Flynn (Councilor-at-Large under 11, TAS), Ken McMurdy (TAS), Lisa Lutter, (CA), Thierry Rakotobe-Joel (ASB), Mihaela Serban (SSHS), Ed Shannon (Vice President, HGS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
Vote to bring meeting to order at 10:13am.
Minutes Approval: The 03/09/22 minutes were approved.
Transportation Survey: Survey is complete and executive summary is being compiled.
Results from Forum: Forum was well attended and many suggestions were put forward regarding creating community after the pandemic.
Course Caps: Leah Warner has prepared a document regarding best practices course caps for differing course delivery methods.
April FA’s: There will be a Faculty Forum on April 6 regarding the proposed Handbook revisions.
Transition planning: Discussion of transition of FAEC presidency and other FAEC positions. Naseem has created onboarding and workflow documents for the FAEC presidency.
FA now has two representatives for SMAAC: Kelly Dolak and Scott Frees.
New Business:
Nicole Morgan Agard and Rachel Sawyer: Bias Exploratory Committee – 2019 David Oh was selected to be the FA representative to the committee. Findings of the Exploratory Committee resulted in a policy and a new permanent Bias Incident Response Team. Seeking a representative for the Bias Incident Response Team for a two year term. Team does not respond to individual incidents, but rather reviews aggregate data and seeks to inform programs and policies. There is a difference between a bias complaint and a discrimination complaint, handled through different offices, different mechanisms. Restorative justice conference offered if there is a bias incident.
Virginia Galdieri: Update on the Handbook revision process. A first draft of the handbook revisions will be presented in April and faculty will vote on whether to endorse. Thereafter, the draft will be distributed to AFT, legal, and the administration for review and changes may result. If any substantive changes result, then the changes will be brought back to the faculty in September for a revote on endorsement.
Katie Cohen: Attended the Alice Active Shooter training and recommended it. More trainings are scheduled.
FAEC Guests: Nicole Morgan Agard (CDO) & Rachel Sawyer (Associate Dir.); Virginia Galdieri (AVP- HR)
Meeting adjourned at 12:12 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
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