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Faculty Assembly Meeting
February 1, 2023
1:00 pm
Trustees Pavilion
Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only
FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
Approval of Minutes (12/7/2022)
Faculty Assembly President’s Report:
College President’s Report:
Provost’s Report:
Leiah Heckathorn, Director of the Roukema Center
Michael Yankovich, Interim VP for Operational and Administrative Integration
Two Factor Authentication (with Q & A) – Rob Doster, CIO:
Instructional Design Center (IDC) – Michael Bitz, Director:
o Ray: Canvas Administration, Respondus, Turnitin, Linkedin Learning
o Deb: Canvas Development, YuJa, Qualtrics, WebEx, Google Workspace
o Lauren: Instructional Design
Enrollment Update – VP Chris Romano, update presented by Ken McMurdy:
Discussion Items:
Budget Overview – Colleen O’Keefe, Interim CFO/VP for Fiscal Health:
Academic Master Plan Task Force – Stephanie Sarabia and Ken Goldstein, co-chairs:
Counselor-At Large: part time faculty – voting issue
Meeting Ended 2:30pm
Categories: Uncategorized
FAEC MINUTES 01/18/2023
Present: Ken McMurdy (President, TAS), Katie Cohen (Library), Amruth Kumar (TAS), Marc Gidal (CA), Malavika Sundararajan (ASB), John McTighe (SSHS), Dean Chen (Vice President, HGS)
Excused absence: Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
*Meeting minutes taken by Dean Chen
*Both Councilor-at-Large positions are currently open.
Vote to bring the meeting to order at 10:05am.
FA President’s Report:
‒ FAEC contacted the ITS to inspect all classrooms and ensure all work stations and classroom facilities are functioning well.
‒ SGA survey results on faculty advising will be shared with the FAEC
‒ Two FAEC Councilor-at-Large positions still need to be filled as soon as possible
‒ BOT Committee Report
– Operational and Administrative Integration (Michael Yankovich, Interim VP)
– Fiscal health
– Strategic plan
‒ Transparency on the College’s compensated service (Provost Office)
‒ Ramapo letter in support of fellow COPLAC institution, the New College of Florida in Sarasota
FAEC Discussion:
‒ Morale survey
– Sharing non-unit specific report with faculty
– Discussing and addressing areas/issues of concerns with managers responsible for: ITS, Facilities, HR, ER, teaching & service, faculty & equity, student mental health, and public safety
‒ Bylaws revision (Dean Chen and John McTighe)
– Planning on meeting with ARC, WAC, and GECCo
FAEC Guests: None
Meeting adjourned at 12:05 pm
Categories: Uncategorized
Present: Ken McMurdy (President, TAS), Katie Cohen (Library), Amruth Kumar (TAS), Marc Gidal (CA), Malavika Sundararajan (ASB), John McTighe (SSHS), Dean Chen (Vice President, HGS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
*Both Councilor-at-Large positions are currently open. FAEC has consistently been reaching out to the faculty attempting to recruit individuals.
Vote to bring the meeting to order at 10:03am.
FA President’s Report:
FAEC Discussion:
Meeting adjourned at 11:40 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
Present: Ken McMurdy (President, TAS), Elizabeth Siecke (Library), Amruth Kumar (TAS), Marc Gidal (CA), Malavika Sundararajan (ASB), John McTighe (SSHS), Dean Chen (Vice President, HGS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
*Both Councilor-at-Large positions are currently open. FAEC has consistently been reaching out to the faculty attempting to recruit individuals.
Vote to bring the meeting to order at 10:03am.
FA President’s Report:
FAEC Discussion:
FAEC Guests: Faculty Athletic Representatives – Matthew Jobrack and Alexandre Olbrecht
Meeting adjourned at 11:40 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
Faculty Assembly Meeting
December 7, 2022
1:00 pm
Trustees Pavilion
Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
Call Meeting to Order: 1:05pm
No objections to the minutes.
FA President:
Provost Report:
Follett: Bookstore
President Jebb’s Report:
Meeting ended 2:52pm
Categories: Uncategorized
Present: Ken McMurdy (President, TAS), Katie Cohen (Library), Amruth Kumar (TAS), Marc Gidal (CA), Malakiva Sundararajan (ASB), John McTighe (SSHS), Dean Chen (Vice President, HGS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
*Both Councilor-at-Large positions are currently open. FAEC has consistently been reaching out to the faculty attempting to recruit individuals.
Vote to bring the meeting to order at 10:03am.
FA President’s Report:
– Communications meeting is November 17, @ 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm in the Alumni Lounges. Everyone should try to be there.
FAEC Discussion:
FAEC Guests: Cindy Jebb (President of Ramapo) and Susan Gaulden (Interim-Provost), and Naseem Choudhury (Co-Chair of Strategic Writing Team, Faculty)
– FAEC raised concerns for more coverage for exam monitoring by OSS or testing center with Provost. Asked about the possibility of having a robust testing center for the college that would also allow for students to complete make-up exams.
– FAEC raised the inclusion of Title IX information in course syllabi. Currently, it is encouraged, but not required.
– FAEC raised line allocation and transparency. Provost met with a program that was denied a line and explained data and rationale used in making the determination.
– Provost said that accreditation of programs can bump a program ahead of non-accredited programs in getting lines to satisfy accreditation requirements. Further, programs sometimes take pride in not relying on adjunct faculty, however such is not sustainable moving forward.
Meeting adjourned at 11:58 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
Present: Ken McMurdy (President, TAS), Katie Cohen (Library), Amruth Kumar (TAS), Marc Gidal (CA), Malakiva Sundararajan (ASB), John McTighe (SSHS), Dean Chen (Vice President, HGS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
*Both Councilor-at-Large positions are currently open.
Vote to bring the meeting to order at 10:03am.
FA President’s Report:
– Senior Living Center – community on campus is tentatively being explored. Long-term project.
– FAEC Social Event: Organization is ongoing. Individuals are signing up to bring food and drink. Need to consider napkins, plates, utensils, cups.
– Next Week: Faculty Forum is going to largely focus on AMPTF round table
FAEC Discussion:
– Discussion of ARC and ARC’s function at the college.
– Discussion of open Councilor-at-Large positions and the need to fill them.
FAEC Guests: Virginia Galdieri (Vice President for People Operations & Employee Resources)
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
Faculty Assembly Meeting
November 9, 2022
1:00 pm
Trustees Pavilion
Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
Call Meeting to Order: 1:05pm
Approval of Minutes (9/28/2022): no objections
Faculty Assembly President’s Report:
– The Provost’s Bite-Sized Faculty Research Series: is underway, please attend. Build community and collaboration opportunities.
– Public Safety: FAEC met with Nicole and Sharon and were provided with steps that are being taken to improve safety on campus for the entire community.
– RAVE Guardian Safety APP – smartphone app for everyone’s safety, please download
– Planning happening on campus this year:
– college strategic plan: vision statement going to BOT at end of January
– academic master plan: ongoing
– campus facilities plan: ongoing
– Communications Meeting on November 17 at 1pm. Please, everyone should try to attend.
– Should there be a faculty retreat in January?
– FAEC Moral Survey: please complete if you haven’t done so already, thank you!
– FA Social Event today from 4:30-6pm in the Padovano Commons. RSVP is preferred, but everyone is still welcome.
College President’s Report:
– Alumni Panel upcoming.
– Black Solidarity Week – procession to the Hopper Slave Cemetery.
– 16th of November at noon – First Gen event – First Gen Center
– Encouraging faculty engagement with students about national and international scholarship opportunities
Provost’s Report: Importance of grant funding and shoring up transfer students.
Adjourn the Formal Portion of the Meeting:
Once the formal portion of the meeting was adjourned, all members of the Teaching and Learning Core (TLC) were invited to stay for a round table focus group exercise led by the Academic Master Plan Task Force.
Categories: Uncategorized
Present: Ken McMurdy (President, TAS), Katie Cohen (Library), Amruth Kumar (TAS), Marc Gidal (CA), Malakiva Sundararajan (ASB), John McTighe (SSHS), Dean Chen (Vice President, HGS)
Excused absence: Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
*Meeting minutes taken by Dean Chen
*Both Councilor-at-Large positions are currently open.
Vote to bring the meeting to order at 10:03am.
FA President’s Report:
– Provost Search Committee
– Academic Strategic Writing Team Plan
– Academic Master Plan Task Force (AMPTF): focus groups roundtables will be held at the next FA meeting on 11/09/2022
– ARC and SSHS
FAEC Discussion:
– Morale survey: FAEC agreed to edit and finalize before sending them out on Monday, October 31, 2022.
– FAEL(FAEC) Fall social
– Meeting with Sharon McLaurin (Director of Public Safety) and Nicole Morgan Agard (Chief Equity and Diversity Officer) to discuss recent incidents happening on campus (bias incident; public safety incident) and ways to enhance public safety measures in order to better prevent/deter crimes while reassuring the campus community. Discussed ways to increase awareness and participation in workshops and training sessions.
FAEC Guests: Sharon McLaurin and Nicole Morgan Agard
Meeting adjourned at 12:05 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
Present: Ken McMurdy (President, TAS), Katie Cohen (Library), Amruth Kumar (TAS), Marc Gidal (CA), Malakiva Sundararajan (ASB), John McTighe (SSHS), Dean Chen (Vice President, HGS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
*Both Councilor-at-Large positions are currently open.
Vote to bring the meeting to order at 10:07am.
Minutes Approval: The 10/12/22 minutes were approved.
FA President’s Report:
FAEC Discussion:
FAEC Guests: Kirsten DaSilva (Vice President for Administration and Finance)
Meeting adjourned at 12:08 am.
Categories: Uncategorized
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