January 15, 2025FA Minutes 12/11/24
Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes
December 11, 2024
1:30 pm*
Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
Meeting minutes taken by FA Secretary Matthew Jobrack.
Approval of Minutes (11/6/2024)
Faculty Assembly President’s Report:
- Encouraged faculty to review Mike Yankovich’s ERP and Capital Projects Update from the November Communications Meeting. (slides)
- Two more Faculty Scholarship Symposia are planned for February 19 and April 2.
- Over 50 people responded to Faculty Handbook revision survey. Committee is working to address concerns.
- Academic Freedom Policy is open for public comment until December 20.
- Proposed FA Bylaws revisions have been posted and will be voted on at the next meeting. Addressing concerns raised at the last meeting, term limits in place only for the Chairs of GECCo and WAC. Language regarding the appointment of Directors has also been corrected.
- Final report on the first Morale Survey has been completed and reviewed by FAEC. The next Leadership Survey will take place in the spring, and another Morale Survey will take place next fall, establishing a 2-year cycle for both.
College President’s Report:
- Message of gratitude for the Teaching and Learning Core
- BA in Theater and Film has been approved by the State.
- A Ramapo student was the recipient of the prestigious Gilman Scholarship.
- Encouraged faculty to participate in public comment period for the Academic Freedom Policy.
- Over 6000 applications for next academic year, a new record for this point in the recruitment cycle.
- Impending 5% budget cut across the board from the state government
- Message on remaining committed to our values and weathering uncertainty
Provost’s Report:
- Message on working together and standing for our values
- Thank you to members of the Conveners Task Force and Academic Structures Task Force; both have submitted their reports to the Provost for consideration.
- TAS Dean, Director of Study Abroad, and several faculty searches are ongoing.
- Thank you to faculty who have invited the Provost to their classes, and to faculty who serve on all-College committees.
- Congratulations to Sharon Leathers and Kathleen Ray, winners of the Bischoff and Richardson faculty awards.
- Presented list of faculty recipients of Foundation Allocation Grants.
- Inaugural Research and Engagement Academy next semester: 2 coaches and 6 fellows announced
- Sponsored Faculty Research (Michael Middleton, Provost) (slides)
- Morale Survey Report (Malavika Sundararajan, FAEC) (slides)
Summary of process was shared. Respecting confidentiality, we ask that you please contact FA leadership if you wish to review specific content from the report.
- CAP Implementation (Kaitlin Sidorsky, CAP Implementation Team) (slides)
Presentations/Discussion Items:
- WAC Updates
Paula Straile-Costa, WAC Chair; Vittoria Rubino
- WAC website has been updated.
- WAC members will be reading The Case for Critical Literacy, by Alice Horning, next semester.
- Planning a Write-In event for faculty in April
- Requested that we add additional writing topics question(s) to the NSSE; have received approval from Mike Unger
- Two WAC members have received funding to attend the Conference on Reading and Writing.
- WAC is working with IDC to create a Canvas page that will house resources for faculty on writing pedagogy, best practices, discipline specific assignments and other materials. Please share any materials you find useful with your unit rep.
- General Education Program Revision
Ken McMurdy, FA President
Proposed charge to GECCo was shared and discussed, prior to the vote. (See results below.)
Voting Items:
- GE Revision – Charge to GECCo (see above)
Motion was approved by a vote of 51 approve, 10 do not approve, and 14 abstain.
- FA Bylaws Revision – ARC, GECCo and WAC
Final Proposal shared at this meeting, to be voted on at the next FA meeting, per the existing bylaws revision process.
- GECCo: Scientific Reasoning Category Coordinator
Carrie Miller was elected.
- HSI Exploratory Task Force: FA Representatives (3)
Cristina Perez, Dolly Sacristan and Inderani Walia were elected.
Meeting adjourned at 2:45 pm.
*For this meeting, the formal FA program was preceded by a Faculty Forum from 1:00-1:25 pm to discuss concerns around academic freedom. Attendance at Faculty Forum is limited to FA voting members.
Categories: Uncategorized
December 2, 2024FA Minutes 11/06/24
Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes
November 6, 2024
1:00 pm
Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
*Meeting minutes taken by Matthew Jobrack.
Approval of Minutes (10/9/2024)
Faculty Assembly President’s Report:
- Faculty Headshots: Please sign up to have your updated official photo taken. Link provided in Daily Digest and follow-up email. Two available dates: 11/14 and 11/20, 10am-4pm.
- Faculty Scholarship Symposium: The next symposium on Enhancing Research Through Community-Engaged Scholarship will take place from 10:30-12:00 on December 4th in the Alumni Lounges (SC-158). Please email Ken or Michael if you are interested in giving a talk. Program will be posted on the FSS website.
- Student research posters that were contributed for Family Day display will be returned and available for pick-up in their respective unit offices.
- Academic Freedom Policy: Thank you to all who submitted informal feedback at and after the last FA. Revised policy will move to formal public comment per the usual College Policy revision process.
- Faculty Handbook Revision: Committee is working to resolve issues from last year. Watch for a survey to collect concerns and suggestions based on this year’s personnel processes.
- Gen Ed Revision: FA and Provost will jointly charge GECCo to lead and coordinate the multi-year revision process. Formal charge to be shared at the December FA meeting.
- Post-election Support for Students: Will provide a link in the follow-up email to the Red Folder (Melissa Van Der Wall) and FRC Resources (Rikki Abzug).
College President’s Report:
President Jebb was unable to attend the meeting.
Provost’s Report:
Provost Middleton was unable to attend the meeting but shared the following bullet points.
- Two CAP Task Forces on Conveners/Convening Groups and Academic Structures have requested an additional 1-2 weeks to complete their reports to the Provost.
- The newly formed committee on Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity will be meeting.
- A consulting group in AI held its first meeting and hope to provide suggested actions in teaching and learning by February.
- Announcement about December Faculty Scholarship Symposium (see above).
- Thank you to everyone participating on search committees that are in various stages of progress.
- Faculty Awards: Please join in this year’s celebration as we honor Dr. Sharon Leathers (Bischoff) and Dr. Kathleen Ray (Richardson) on Wednesday, November 20, from 3:30-5:00 in the York Room.
Presentations/Discussion Items:
- FA Bylaws Revisions: ARC, GECCo and WAC (slides,proposal)
Ken McMurdy, FA President
Concerns raised over issue of term limits for committee chairs and members, as well as accuracy of language describing appointment of Directors in the GE program. Revised draft to be posted prior to December FA meeting and voted on at the subsequent FA meeting.
- Grad Council: Mission Statement and Overview of Grad Programs (slides)
Amanda Beecher (TAS), Kathleen Ray (SSHS), Grad Council Co-chairs
Meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm. Followed by a Faculty Forum to discuss ideas for programming centering around promoting and enhancing intellectual engagement on campus.
Categories: Uncategorized
November 3, 2024FA Minutes 10/09/24
Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes
October 9, 2024
1:00 pm
Alumni Lounges (SC 156-8)
Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
*Meeting minutes taken by Matthew Jobrack, FA Secretary.
Approval of Minutes (9/11/2024)
Faculty Assembly President’s Report:
- Family Day/Homecoming (10/17-10/21): Please contribute outstanding undergraduate research/creative work for display in LLC by Wednesday (10/16). Drop off posters at your Unit Office.
- Faculty Handbook Revision Committee: Ken McMurdy (FAEC), Jason Hecht (AFT), Lysandra Perez-Strumolo (MFSA), Jenn Hicks McGowan (ER) and Joyce Shim (Provost’s Office). Brief remarks given by Roark Atkinson, candidate for remaining At-Large FA Representative position.
- Faculty Scholarship Symposium Series: First symposium to be held from 10:30-12:00 on October 30 in Pavilion. Undergraduate Research: Success Stories and Lessons Learned.
- Faculty/Staff BYOB Potluck Social: Today (10/9) from 4:30-7:00 in Padovano Commons.
- Phil Anderson Memorial: Tuesday, October 15, 1pm, in the Pavilion.
- Gen Ed Revision: FA, Provost and GECCo collaborating on process. GECCo will lead the effort with a target of full implementation in Fall 2027. Rationale: respond to CAP, establish a 10-year revision cycle.
College President’s Report:
- Great start to the semester. Words of gratitude to faculty, TLC and students.
- Hosted NJ State Senator Joe Cryan. Showed renovations in E-wing for Accelerated Nursing program. Discussed grants Ramapo has received.
- Received legislative add-ons for Nursing ($2.5 million).
- Uptick in KPI’s: size, selectivity, social mobility, retention rate, student well-being
- 700 students at Open House last Sunday (100 more than previous year).
- 9 students competing for Fulbright Scholarship. Recognized outstanding work of Rebecca Root (HGS), Fellowships and Scholarships Director.
- Aiming for national distinction as a public liberal arts college.
- Fiscal Health: Ramapo deemed minimal fiscal risk by the state, S & P affirmed A rating based on AY 2022-23. Waiting on this year’s assessment.
- Four Priorities: grow strategic partnerships, talent management (recruit, retain, employ, develop), enrollment (recruitment and retention), culture (dignity, respect)
- Univision will be here on 10/10 for live takeaways from students on VP Harris Town Hall
- Presidential Speaker Series: Tuesday, October 22, 1pm in H-Wing Auditorium. LTG (ret.) Mary Legere, former Senior Intelligence Officer for the U.S. Army, Managing Director for Accenture Global Defense. The Implications of Artificial Intelligence on Leadership and Democracy.
- State of the College address next Wednesday.
Provost’s Report:
- Expressed congratulations for various academic accomplishments.
- Commended ARC for implementation of the revised curriculum development process.
- International Education: Vice Provost Joyce Shim will oversee Office of Study Abroad and chair Committee for International Education. Searching for Director of Study Abroad. Service opportunity International Education Faculty Fellow. Details to follow.
- Research Committee: Standing committee will work to promote and support faculty research, scholarship and creative activity.
- Plan to convene consultation group on AI (not a formal task force).
- Goals for Gen Ed revision: standout/model program for public liberal arts colleges, graduating Ramapo students cite GE as having significant impact on their learning and growth.
- Jason Balsan, Director of Public Safety
- CAP Academic Structures TF (Emma Rainforth, TF Co-Chair)
- Look for a survey later today, one-week deadline for completion.
- Faculty invited to stay after FA for an open forum.
- Faculty Development Day (slides)
(Michael Bitz, IDC Director)
- We Care Program Overview (slides)
(Eddie Seavers, CSI ; Dylan Heffernan, We Care Program)
- Includes Food Pantry (ASB 130), Student Relief Program, Laptop Upcycle Program, Professional Clothing Closet
- Can contribute via one-time donation or through payroll deduction program
Presentations/Discussion Items:
- FA Bylaws Revisions: ARC, GECCo and WAC (slides, pre-draft)
Ken McMurdy, FA President
- Revised Policy on Academic Freedom (Draft, slides)
Leah Warner, John Gronbeck-Tedesco (Academic Policy Council)
Elections: (92 eligible voters)
- Faculty Handbook Revision Committee – FA Representative: Roark Atkinson elected by a vote of 65 Approve, 2 Do Not Approve, 1 Abstain
- FA Secretary: Matthew Jobrack elected by a vote of 68 Approve, 0 Do Not Approve, 0 Abstain.
Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
October 6, 2024FA Minutes 09/11/24
Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2024
1:00 pm
Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
*FA Secretary position is currently open. Meeting minutes taken by Jeff Ellsworth.
Approval of Minutes (4/24/2024)
Faculty Assembly President’s Report:
- Reminder to subscribe to the FAEC Google calendar (faec.ramapo@gmail.com)
- FA Secretary position is open. Tenure not required.
- Revised ARC Manual is posted and should be followed. Now operating on rolling submission basis, but still important to begin early. Reach out to your ARC Unit Representative for assistance in preparing submissions.
- Faculty Handbook Revision Committee to begin work in October.
Membership: FAEC (1), AFT (1), MFSA (1), FA (2, elected at 10/9 FA meeting), Provost’s Office (Joyce Shim), ER (Jenn Hicks-McGowan)
- Faculty Scholarship Symposium Series
First symposium from 10:30-12:00 on Wednesday, October 30. Theme will be Undergraduate Research: Success Stories and Lessons learned. Interested faculty presenters should contact Ken McMurdy, Provost Middleton or their dean.
College President’s Report:
- Gratitude and excitement for the coming year
- Welcome first year class. 3 S’s: Size, Selectivity and Social Mobility
- Largest EOF class – 134 scholars
- Growing number of First Gen scholars
- Strong turnout at Arching/Welcome Week events
- Importance of strategic partnerships
- Emphasis on civil discourse, deepening understanding and empathy, as a way to promote democratic ideals and citizenship
Provost’s Report:
- Continue our work to strengthen teaching and learning as the center of Ramapo. Want to be thought partners in how we continue to build a vibrant campus culture focused on learning.
- Welcoming 8 full time faculty members
- Thanks to our deans, and to faculty leaders/directors – Erin Augis, Rebecca Root, Rikki Abzug, Michael Bitz, Monika Giacoppe, also thank committee chairs, conveners; and to Ken, Jeff and FAEC
- Welcome Vice Provost Joyce Shim — will lead on several initiatives
- Convocation – speaker Victoria Christopher Murray; thanks to Ken Goldstein, Peter Campbell, Ariela Castillo, Donna Schweizer
- Welcoming Employee Relations with Exec Dir. Jenn Hicks-McGowan into the TLC core
- Changes in the international office — will report to Vice Provost, beginning a new search for Study Abroad Director, will be announcing a Faculty Fellow opportunity
- Research initiatives (with Bernie Connors): Congrats on grants submitted and awarded; Research and Engagement Academy, Writing Circles, Research Committee, Faculty Scholarship Symposium Series, aligning Foundation funding with priorities
- TAS transition
- Nursing expansion and additional funds from the state to support the growth in the program, including a new science lab
- Joyce Shim, Vice Provost
- New Faculty
Presentations/Discussion Items:
- GECCo Updates (slides)
Chris Reali, GECCo Chair
- CAP Implementation (slides)
Stephanie Sarabia, CAP Implementation Team
- FRC: Planning for AY 2024-25 Programming (slides)
Rikki Abzug, FRC Director
- Academic Freedom: Policy and Practice (slides)
Ken McMurdy, FA President; Michael Middleton, Provost
Voting Items: (112 eligible voters)
- GECCo Membership
Resolution: Add College-Wide Academic Assessment Committee (CWAAC) Director to GECCo membership.
Rationale: The GECCo Chair is automatically on the College-Wide Academic Assessment Committee, but the CWAAC Director is not officially on GECCo. This move will serve to “close the loop” as well as facilitate greater coordination between the two groups.
Results: Resolution passed with 69 approve, 1 not approve, and 2 abstain.
Formal meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm, followed by Faculty Forum “listening session” for concerns, suggestions, and reflections on the meeting.
Categories: Uncategorized
April 29, 2024FA Minutes 04/24/24
Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes
April 24, 2024
1:00 pm
Alumni Lounges
Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
*FA Secretary position is currently open. Meeting minutes taken by Jeff Ellsworth.
Approval of Minutes (3/27/2024)
Faculty Assembly President’s Report:
- Adaptations due to full agenda: announcements and ballot to be sent out after the meeting.
- Encouraged participation in FA/RSA/SGA Joint Social “Game Night”, as well as AFT Academic Freedom talk on Monday (4/29).
- Expressed appreciation to faculty for their dedication and service to the College and our students.
College President’s Report:
- Reiterated appreciation for the service of faculty, staff and administrators. Special recognition of FA President.
- Service on NJ Academic Issues Committee (AIC) has heightened appreciation for the incredible work that goes into each new academic proposal.
- Outstanding student work, on display at Scholars’ Day, research symposia, honor society inductions and awards, etc., reflect faculty student-centered focus and mentorship.
- Looking forward to celebrating the Class of 2024 together.
Provost’s Report:
- Time/comments reserved for Awards Ceremony.
Awards Ceremony: (recipients listed)
- Provost Award for Faculty Service: Rebecca Root (HGS)
- Jack Richardson Memorial Award: Jeffrey Ellsworth (SSHS)
- Faculty Assembly Service Award: Sarah Carberry (TAS), Yvette Kisor (HGS)
Presentations/Discussion Items:
- ARC (Catalin Martin, ARC Chair)
- BA in Visual Communication Design (new program)
- Revisions to the ARC Manual (slides, Manual)
Note: After discussion, a minor edit removing recommended Convener/CG role in handling minor course revisions (not subject to ARC review), and adding a reference to the Academic Policy on Minimum/Maximum Course Enrollment, was accepted.
- GECCo (Sarah Carberry, Chris Reali, GECCo Co-Chairs)
- Revisions to the General Education Program (slides)
Note: After discussion, it was agreed that the voting item on revisions to the SSS category would be split into two pieces: name change and change of description to allow 100 level courses.
- Budget (Colleen O’Keefe, CFO/VP for Fiscal Health)
- Slides available here.
- Attendees encouraged to attend Budget Hearing (May 8, 10 am) for more details.
Announcements: (sent out after the meeting due to time constraints)
- International Education Council (IEC), Leiah Heckathorn
IEC to conduct College-wide internationalization survey, in alignment with Boldly Ascending and CAP. Will begin with a survey of faculty in early Fall 2024.
- Instructional Design Center (IDC), Michael Bitz
Updates provided on Turnitin AI Detector and YuJa Replacement. (slides)
- CAP Implementation, Wilson Rose (ASB)
Progress report on Core Values 1-4; two Task Forces charged by Provost. (slides)
Voting Items: (109 eligible voters)
- BA in Visual Communication Design (90 Approve, 1 Do NOT Approve, 9 Abstain)
- Revised ARC Manual (87 Approve, 6 Do NOT Approve, 7 Abstain)
- Revision to FA Bylaws: Election of specified FAEC Councilors in Even and Odd Years (87 Approve, 2 Do NOT Approve, 11 Abstain)
- GECCo: Revisions to the General Education Program
- Change the wording of an objective: Apply interdisciplinary knowledge and skills to address complex problems. (86 Approve, 7 Do NOT Approve, 7 Abstain)
- Title Change of SSS Category: Social Systems and Society (63 Approve, 23 Do NOT Approve, 14 Abstain)
- Change SSS Category Description: Courses submitted and approved for inclusion in this Distribution Category will be at the 100, 200, or 300 level. Courses at the 100 level should still build on topics in the Keystone courses (likely SSI). The prereqs, if present, must be in the Keystone courses (First Year Seminar, Studies in the Arts and Humanities, Critical Reading and Writing II, Historical Perspectives, Global Awareness, Scientific Reasoning, Social Science Inquiry, Quantitative Reasoning or Social Science Inquiry). (84 Approve, 8 Do NOT Approve, 8 Abstain)
- Malavika Sundararajan (ASB): FAEC Councilor-At-Large, Adjuncts Liaison (91 Approve, 5 Do NOT Approve, 4 Abstain)
- Rebecca Leung (CA): Values and Ethics Category Coordinator (97 Approve, 0 Do NOT Approve, 3 Abstain)
- Tae Kwak (HGS): Historical Perspectives Category Coordinator (98 Approve, 2 Do NOT Approve, 0 Abstain)
- Chris Reali (CA): Culture and Creativity Category Coordinator (94 Approve, 2 Do NOT Approve, 4 Abstain)
Meeting adjourned at 2:50pm.
Categories: Uncategorized
April 16, 2024FA Minutes 03/27/24
Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes
March 27, 2024
1:00 pm
Alumni Lounges
Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
*FA Secretary position is currently open. Meeting minutes taken by Jeff Ellsworth.
Approval of Minutes (2/21/2024)
Faculty Assembly President’s Report:
- Reminder about FSSE/NSSE surveys of student engagement
- Encouraged participation in several student research symposia/events
- Announced joint FA/RSA/SGA Game Night social event (April 24, 4pm)
- FA elections: In addition to unit representatives, FA is still in need of Councilor-At-Large and Secretary.
- Reminder about Communications Meeting on 3/28
- (Free, virtual) Summer ’24 Institute on Teaching Social Action, June 12-14. For more details, contact Ashwani Vasishth.
College President’s Report:
- Importance of public mission – equity, access, affordability
- Exploring partnerships and collaborations across organizations and institutions
- President’s external focus this semester (state representatives, NJASCU, etc.)
- ROI with respect to several metrics: enrollment/retention, 100% pass rate for 2023 Nursing class on the national boards, competitiveness for prestigious scholarships
- Responding to external challenges such as FAFSA issue
Provost’s Report:
- Thanks to faculty who served on various all-College committees
- Finalists for Vice Provost position to visit campus. Encouraged attendance and participation in open forums.
- CAP Implementation: Task Forces on Convener Position/Convening Groups and Academic Structures to be charged with reports due to Provost in the fall.
Note: The above reports were followed by extended Q & A with President Jebb and Provost Middleton on issues including public safety, College financials, faculty lines, and support for working parents.
- Introduction of Assistant Director/Interim Director of Public Safety, Arthur Abbott
(Nicole Morgan Agard, Chief Equity & Diversity Officer/VP for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Compliance)
Presentations/Discussion Items:
- ARC (Catalin Martin, ARC Chair)
- Discussed upcoming proposed changes to the ARC Manual
- Gave rationale for changes, including robust engagement at all levels, alignment with state requirements, and integration with new Course Dog curriculum management system.
- Slides available here.
- Revision to FA Bylaws (Jeff Ellsworth, FA Vice-President)
- Plan to simplify FAEC Councilor elections and guarantee maximal continuity on FAEC by specifying positions to be filled in even/odd years.
- Slides available here.
*Formal meeting adjourned at 2:15. Voting members of FA invited to remain for a Faculty Forum discussion of academic freedom. (Several relevant documents shared in advance for foundation and framing of the discussion.)
Categories: Uncategorized
March 20, 2024FA Minutes 02/21/24
Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes
February 21, 2024
1:00 pm
Alumni Lounges
Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
*FA Secretary position is currently open. Meeting minutes taken by Jeff Ellsworth.
Approval of Minutes (1/24/2024)
Faculty Assembly President’s Report:
- Scholars’ Day moved to April 15, 4-7:30 pm, Friends Hall. Online applications due March 1.
- Several upcoming events of interest to faculty:
- Diversity Convocation, Feb. 21, 3-4:00
- Responding to Student Writing Workshop (WAC/CRW/FRC), Feb. 28, 3-4:30
- Faculty Development Day: TechFest 2024, March 6, noon
- Thomases Award Ceremony (Professor Naseem Choudhury), March 13, 3-4:00
- Encouraged participation in the 3-part series, On the Ground in Israel and Gaza (2/19, 2/29, 3/12)
- Reminder to sign-up for Commencement activities
- Announced dates for FSSE and NSSE surveys of student engagement
- FAEC Updated Membership
- Monika Giacoppe has replaced Dean Chen as HGS Unit Representative.
- Jeff Ellsworth has been elected as the new Vice President.
- Secretary and Councilor-At-Large (adjuncts) positions are currently open.
College President’s Report:
President Jebb was unable to attend the meeting.
Provost’s Report:
Provost Middleton was unable to attend the meeting.
Presentations/Discussion Items:
GECCo (Chris Reali, Sarah Carberry, Mike Unger)
- Discussed issues related to GECCo and the Gen Ed Program.
- Announced GECCo Workshop on March 13, 12-1 pm, SC 157.
- Slides available here.
Voting Items:
The following two proposals were brought to FA by ARC for approval. Both were approved by FA. (Vote tallies included for each individual proposal.) Proposal documents will be archived on the FA website under Archived Reports and Documents.
- Master of Public Policy (new program); 60 approve, 0 not approve, 5 abstain
- Supervisor Certificate in Educational Leadership (new program); 57 approve, 4 not approve, 4 abstain
FA President Election:
Ken McMurdy was reelected to serve a second term as FA President by a vote of 60 approve, 3 do not approve and 1 abstain.
*Formal meeting adjourned at 2:15. Voting members of FA invited to remain for a Faculty Forum discussion of faculty concerns over classroom safety.
Categories: Uncategorized
February 11, 2024FA Minutes 01/24/24
Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes
January 24, 2024
1:00 pm
Trustees Pavilion
Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
*FA Secretary position is currently open. Meeting minutes taken by Jeff Ellsworth.
Approval of Minutes (12/6/2023)
Faculty Assembly President’s Report:
- Board of Trustees is in need of an Alternate Student Trustee and accepting applications through February 28. Faculty encouraged to identify and refer candidates to Student Trustee Gloria Jeong at gjeong@ramapo.edu. (Time yielded to Gloria Jeong for this brief announcement.)
- Discussion of specific changes and events added to the spring meeting calendar, as well as the challenge of scheduling events with a limited numbers of slots. Faculty are encouraged to add the FA Google calendar (directions posted on the FA Meeting Calendar website).
- Deadline for FA President self-nominations extended to Friday, January 26. FA President election still to be held at the next FA meeting on February 21.
- Catalin Martin is the new ARC Chair. ARC is continuing to work on bringing recommendations to FA for revising/improving our curriculum development and review process.
College President’s Report:
- Cited positive momentum in enrollment, prestigious scholarships, grants, development of new academic programs, NJAC Volleyball champions.
- Stressed the importance of:
- building on what we have learned
- fostering a culture of trust and extending grace
- entrepreneurial mindset (ex. Accelerated Nursing Program, grants)
- partnership and collaborations.
- Talked about ensuring a great senior year and graduation experience for the special Class of 2024.
Provost’s Report:
- Acknowledged members of the CAP Implementation Team. Stressed the importance of faculty engagement. The Team will direct the implementation effort but reach out to faculty for participation on specific Tasks.
- Encouraged participation in Spring ’24 series of events specifically designed to foster conversation and civil discourse in the campus community.
- Search for the Vice Provost is in process.
Presentations/Discussion Items:
WAC Update (Paula Straile-Costa, Vittoria Rubino)
- Discussion of results and takeaways from Spring ’23 WAC survey.
- Responding to Student Writing workshop to take place from 3-4:30 on February 28.
- Discussion of services available at the Center for Reading and Writing.
- Faculty encouraged to discuss student writing with their Convening Groups and Units, bringing ideas/concerns to their WAC representative.
- Sharon Leathers also provided details on the upcoming Faculty Development Day:TechFest 2024 event from 12-3:30 on March 6.
Voting Items:
The following proposals were brought to FA by ARC for approval. All seven were approved by FA. (Vote tallies included for each individual proposal.) Proposal documents will be archived on the FA website under Archived Reports and Documents.
- BA in Filmmaking (new program); 88 approve, 1 not approve, 2 abstain
- BA in Theater and Film (new program); 85 approve, 3 not approve, 3 abstain
- MA in Creative Writing (new program); 88 approve, 1 not approve, 2 abstain
- BS in Healthcare Administration (new program); 75 approve, 5 not approve, 11 abstain
- BS in Cybersecurity (new program); 83 approve, 2 not approve, 6 abstain
- BA in Law and Society (new concentrations); 88 approve, 0 not approve, 3 abstain
- Minor in Jewish Studies (name change); 88 approve, 0 not approve, 3 abstain
Meeting adjourned at 2:40.
Categories: Uncategorized
January 17, 2024FA Minutes 12/06/23
Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2023
1:00 pm
Trustees Pavilion
Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
*FA Secretary position is currently open. Meeting minutes taken by Dean Chen.
Approval of Minutes (11/8/2023)
College President’s Report:
- Addressed academic freedom in light of recent campus events. Reaffirmed importance of following due process and fact finding.
- Reaffirmed importance of civil discourse with empathy, mutual respect and understanding.
Faculty Assembly President’s Report:
- Provided an update on the curriculum development/review revision process. Plan to use time at the next FA meeting for an ARC-led discussion to further this process.
- Special thanks to Judy Green for successful training workshop, Promoting the Mental Health of Students of Color: Considerations and Strategies for the Classroom and Beyond, held on Nov. 15. A sequel event will be held in Spring 2024.
- Plan to hold the FA President election at the 2/21 FA meeting, so that a newly elected President would have time to gain experience. Interested candidates should inform FAEC by 1/17 so they can make their candidate statements at the 1/24 FA meeting.
Provost’s Report:
- Expressed appreciation for the CAP Implementation Team and faculty scholars committee. Special thanks to Jeneen Kelly (Registrar) for reviewing various Catalog/Curriculum Management tools that will help with curriculum development/review process.
Presentations/Discussion Items:
- Mackin/Bischoff Parking (Sharon McLaurin, Director of Public Safety; Nicole Morgan Agard, Chief Equity and Diversity Officer/VP for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Compliance)
Presented data on number of available spots, housing units, and student parking permits. (slide)
Trial period beginning in Spring 2024 will allocate 100 spots for employees/faculty (approximately 25% of available spots). Policy to be reevaluated at the end of the spring semester.
- Campus Facilities Master Plan (Mike Yankovich, Interim VP for Operational and Administrative Integration)
- Highlights of plan were presented.
- Full draft of plan to be shared in follow-up email.
- Anticipated date of BOT approval in January ’24.
- Suggestions considered through December 22.
Meeting adjourned at 2:30.
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December 4, 2023FA Minutes 11/08/23
Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2023
1:00 pm
Friends Hall (SC-219)
Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
*FA Secretary position is currently open. Meeting minutes taken by Dean Chen.
Approval of Minutes (10/4/2023)
Faculty Assembly President’s Report:
- Campus Facilities Master Plan (CFMP): Target date for Board of Trustees approval remains January 2024. There will be three opportunities to engage on the plan, led by Mike Yankovich (Interim VP for Operational and Administrative Integration):
- CFMP Open Forum, Nov. 15, 1-3pm, Alumni Lounges
- Communications Meeting, Nov. 16, 1-2:15pm, Alumni Lounges
- Faculty Assembly Meeting, Dec. 6, 1-2:30pm, Trustees Pavilion
- Special training from 1-2pm on Nov. 15 (virtual):
Promoting the Mental Health of Students of Color: Considerations and Strategies for the Classroom and Beyond
Registration required. Contact Judy Green (Director, Center for Health and Counseling Services) for more details.
- Rededication of Holocaust Statue: Today (11/8), 4:30pm, Friends Hall/Grove
Sponsored by Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies (Jacob Labendz, Director)
- FA/AFT/RSA Joint Social Event: Today (11/8), 5-7pm, Padovano Commons
- Diwali Celebration: Nov. 13, 1:15-2:15pm, Friends Hall
Provost’s Report:
- Offered congratulations and appreciation for several successful events hosted at Ramapo College:
- Northeast Regional COPLAC Conference, Oct. 27-28
Congratulations to the organizers as well as all faculty who supervised student research presentations
- 2023 Taiwan & Asia Program (TAP) Conference, Nov. 4-5, organized by Dean Chen (HGS)
- Archaeological Society of New Jersey, Oct. 21, organized by Steve Rice and Susan Hangen (HGS)
- Announced Spring ’24 Arching and Commencement dates
Arching on Thursday, May 23; UG Commencement on Wednesday, May 29, at Prudential Center
College President’s Report:
- Echoed Provost Middleton’s congratulations and appreciation for successful recent campus events
- Addressed concerns regarding later commencement date
- Announced that further information would be forthcoming about holiday/wellness time for Staff
Voting Items:
The following new program proposals were brought to FA by ARC for approval. All five were approved by FA. (Vote tallies included for each individual proposal.) Proposal documents will be archived on the FA website under Archived Reports and Documents.
- Graduate Certificate in Business Foundations (80 approve, 8 do not approve, 6 abstain)
- Graduate Certificate in Data Science: Data Modeler (88 approve, 4 do not approve, 2 abstain)
- Graduate Certificate in Data Science: Data Analyst (87 approve, 5 do not approve, 2 abstain)
- Graduate Certificate in Data Science: Machine Learning Engineer (86 approve, 5 do not approve, 3 abstain)
- (Undergraduate) Certificate in Applied Ethics (88 approve, 3 do not approve, 3 abstain)
The following revision to the ARC Manual was also brought to FA for approval and passed with a vote of 80 approve, 4 do not approve, 2 abstain.
For each academic year (AY) there will be two deadline dates for all submissions – new courses, course revisions, new programs and program revisions. One deadline will be October 15 (Fall semester of any AY) and the other February 15 (Spring semester of the same AY), again, for all submissions.
Note: Due to the large number of proposals already submitted for this year, ARC is requesting that for the February 15, 2024 deadline, submissions be limited to new program proposals or program revisions, and those new courses and course revisions specifically pertaining to the new or revised programs.
FA meeting adjourned at 2:00, followed by Faculty Forum for full-time, untenured faculty, led by FAEC Councilor-at-Large Jeff Ellsworth (jellswor@ramapo.edu).
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