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Present: Naseem Choudhury (President, SSHS), Bonnie Blake (Councilor-at-Large over 11, CA), Katie Cohen (Library), Donna Flynn (Councilor-at-Large under 11, TAS), Ken McMurdy (TAS), Lisa Lutter, (CA), Thierry Rakotobe-Joel (ASB), Mihaela Serban (SSHS), Ed Shannon (Vice President, HGS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)
Vote to bring meeting to order at 10:01am.
Meeting with Provost: FA President met with Provost.
Discussion – Spring 2022 concerns:
In response to the President’s email of 12/16, many faculty members have expressed concerns over potential reorganization of academic structures due .
Faculty concerns regarding safety measures and COVID: what technology will be available if a class has a significant number of students out with covid?
It was noted that as Librarians are faculty, they should have the same discretion as faculty to make accommodations based on possible COVID-caused scenarios.
Boosters will be required for students to be considered fully vaccinated.
Concerns raised that students are raising classroom complaints immediately to the provost and president rather than following college procedures and raising concerns first to faculty, then convenor, then to dean.
Bylaws Vote: still ongoing. A reminder will be sent for faculty to vote by 1/15/22. If a quorum is not met, then possible time extension.
There will not be a faculty retreat on 1/19/22. FAEC is sponsoring an informal “Q and (no) A” session regarding concerns with returning to campus and COVID safety.
New Business: Concern was raised that PSYCH 101 was accepted as a substitute for Social Science Inquiry by the administration without faculty knowledge or agreement. PSYCH 101 is not an appropriate substitute course for Social Science Inquiry.
FAEC Guests: None
Meeting adjourned at 12:07 pm
Categories: FAEC Meeting Minutes 2022, RAMAPO FAEC
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