Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes November 6, 2024 1:00 pm Pavilion
Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
*Meeting minutes taken by Matthew Jobrack.
Approval of Minutes (10/9/2024)
Faculty Assembly President’s Report:
Faculty Headshots: Please sign up to have your updated official photo taken. Link provided in Daily Digest and follow-up email. Two available dates: 11/14 and 11/20, 10am-4pm.
Faculty Scholarship Symposium: The next symposium on Enhancing Research Through Community-Engaged Scholarship will take place from 10:30-12:00 on December 4th in the Alumni Lounges (SC-158). Please email Ken or Michael if you are interested in giving a talk. Program will be posted on the FSS website.
Student research posters that were contributed for Family Day display will be returned and available for pick-up in their respective unit offices.
Academic Freedom Policy: Thank you to all who submitted informal feedback at and after the last FA. Revised policy will move to formal public comment per the usual College Policy revision process.
Faculty Handbook Revision: Committee is working to resolve issues from last year. Watch for a survey to collect concerns and suggestions based on this year’s personnel processes.
Gen Ed Revision: FA and Provost will jointly charge GECCo to lead and coordinate the multi-year revision process. Formal charge to be shared at the December FA meeting.
Post-election Support for Students: Will provide a link in the follow-up email to the Red Folder (Melissa Van Der Wall) and FRC Resources (Rikki Abzug).
College President’s Report:
President Jebb was unable to attend the meeting.
Provost’s Report:
Provost Middleton was unable to attend the meeting but shared the following bullet points.
Two CAP Task Forces on Conveners/Convening Groups and Academic Structures have requested an additional 1-2 weeks to complete their reports to the Provost.
The newly formed committee on Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity will be meeting.
A consulting group in AI held its first meeting and hope to provide suggested actions in teaching and learning by February.
Announcement about December Faculty Scholarship Symposium (see above).
Thank you to everyone participating on search committees that are in various stages of progress.
Faculty Awards: Please join in this year’s celebration as we honor Dr. Sharon Leathers (Bischoff) and Dr. Kathleen Ray (Richardson) on Wednesday, November 20, from 3:30-5:00 in the York Room.
Presentations/Discussion Items:
FA Bylaws Revisions: ARC, GECCo and WAC (slides,proposal)
Ken McMurdy, FA President
Concerns raised over issue of term limits for committee chairs and members, as well as accuracy of language describing appointment of Directors in the GE program. Revised draft to be posted prior to December FA meeting and voted on at the subsequent FA meeting.
Grad Council: Mission Statement and Overview of Grad Programs (slides)
Amanda Beecher (TAS), Kathleen Ray (SSHS), Grad Council Co-chairs
Meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm. Followed by a Faculty Forum to discuss ideas for programming centering around promoting and enhancing intellectual engagement on campus.
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