Faculty Assembly is open to a general college audience, including administrators, but only FA members may vote. Faculty, including library faculty and all full-time employees contractually obligated to teach are FA members as defined by our bylaws.
*FA Secretary position is currently open. Meeting minutes taken by Jeff Ellsworth.
Approval of Minutes (2/21/2024)
Faculty Assembly President’s Report:
Reminder about FSSE/NSSE surveys of student engagement
Encouraged participation in several student research symposia/events
Announced joint FA/RSA/SGA Game Night social event (April 24, 4pm)
FA elections: In addition to unit representatives, FA is still in need of Councilor-At-Large and Secretary.
Importance of public mission – equity, access, affordability
Exploring partnerships and collaborations across organizations and institutions
President’s external focus this semester (state representatives, NJASCU, etc.)
ROI with respect to several metrics: enrollment/retention, 100% pass rate for 2023 Nursing class on the national boards, competitiveness for prestigious scholarships
Responding to external challenges such as FAFSA issue
Provost’s Report:
Thanks to faculty who served on various all-College committees
Finalists for Vice Provost position to visit campus. Encouraged attendance and participation in open forums.
CAP Implementation: Task Forces on Convener Position/Convening Groups and Academic Structures to be charged with reports due to Provost in the fall.
Note: The above reports were followed by extended Q & A with President Jebb and Provost Middleton on issues including public safety, College financials, faculty lines, and support for working parents.
Introduction of Assistant Director/Interim Director of Public Safety, Arthur Abbott
(Nicole Morgan Agard, Chief Equity & Diversity Officer/VP for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Compliance)
Presentations/Discussion Items:
ARC (Catalin Martin, ARC Chair)
Discussed upcoming proposed changes to the ARC Manual
Gave rationale for changes, including robust engagement at all levels, alignment with state requirements, and integration with new Course Dog curriculum management system.
*Formal meeting adjourned at 2:15. Voting members of FA invited to remain for a Faculty Forum discussion of academic freedom. (Several relevant documents shared in advance for foundation and framing of the discussion.)
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