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Faculty Assembly



Present: Ken McMurdy (President, TAS), Katie Cohen (Library), Amruth Kumar (TAS), Marc Gidal (CA), Malakiva Sundararajan (ASB), John McTighe (SSHS), Dean Chen (Vice President, HGS), Jeffrey Ellsworth (Secretary)

*Both Councilor-at-Large positions are currently open. FAEC has consistently been reaching out to the faculty attempting to recruit individuals.

Vote to bring the meeting to order at 10:03am.

FA President’s Report:

– Communications meeting is November 17, @ 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm in the Alumni Lounges. Everyone should try to be there.

FAEC Discussion:

FAEC Guests: Cindy Jebb (President of Ramapo) and Susan Gaulden (Interim-Provost), and Naseem Choudhury (Co-Chair of Strategic Writing Team, Faculty)

  • Naseem Choudhury: updated on the Strategic Writing Team’s process and progress.


  • Cindy Jebb: Has been attending a couple classes that she was invited to attend and has greatly enjoyed getting back into the classroom.
  • Ramapo Alumni – panel discussion upcoming.
  • Black Solidarity Week. Consider visiting Hopper Cemetery.
  • Veteran’s Day Program (tomorrow) – county executive is coming to speak and present a county medal.
  • Table Top: safety and security – increasing lighting, more cameras, more public safety officers. Layered approach – arm at the south gate. Potential swipe access.
  • 16 November: First-Gen Day. There is a new director for First-Gen Center
  • Encouraging more engagement with students about Rhodes and Truman scholarships for students.


  • Susan Gaulden: Wellness Day is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, November 23, 2022, there will be no classes.
  • How to connect under-enrolled programs with enrollment pipelines. Discussing potential linkages with community colleges, more robust.
  • Investigative Forensic Genealogy Certificate Program – upcoming tv coverage. MOA with Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office
  • Center has been having many events and has been very active.
  • The Teaching and Learning Core Calendar has been created and is accessible.
  • Bite-Sized Lecture Series – doing well and more events will be held in future semesters

– FAEC raised concerns for more coverage for exam monitoring by OSS or testing center with Provost. Asked about the possibility of having a robust testing center for the college that would also allow for students to complete make-up exams.

– FAEC raised the inclusion of Title IX information in course syllabi. Currently, it is encouraged, but not required.

– FAEC raised line allocation and transparency. Provost met with a program that was denied a line and explained data and rationale used in making the determination.

– Provost said that accreditation of programs can bump a program ahead of non-accredited programs in getting lines to satisfy accreditation requirements. Further, programs sometimes take pride in not relying on adjunct faculty, however such is not sustainable moving forward.

Meeting adjourned at 11:58 pm.

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