Faculty Assembly Executive Council (FAEC) Meeting Minutes December 6 2017 ASB 008 Room 10:30am to 12:30am
Attendees: Christina Connor, Cristina Perez, Roark Atkinson, Tae Kwak, Gladys Torres-Baumgarten, Kim Lorber, Eva Ogens, Renata Gangemi
Excused: Kathryn Zeno
Secretary: Hugh Sheehy
Guest:Stephen Lally and Tim Woody
Minutes Approved
There was discussion of the vulnerability of international students on campus, especially during holiday breaks. There are faculty on campus who are concerned that international students are being brought to campus without ample resources and infrastructure (e.g. host families for during breaks) to ensure housing and meals throughout their stay. Currently, faculty volunteers and organizational gifts are helping to sustain students during the gaps in housing and meal plans provided by the College. Other scholarship students, such as athletes, enjoy fuller benefits plans. A committee member observed that the College seems to commit more than enough resources to recruiting international students while not providing for them as well as it could while they are on campus. A committee member suggested international students might benefit from the establishment of a dedicated bill of rights. A committee member observed that other schools in the New Jersey state system seem to do a better job. A committee member stated that the Nepal recruitment program may already be in jeopardy because of the reputation the College’s program has acquired from unhappy students returning to Nepal. A committee member observed than an outsider taking stock of Ramapo’s plans for aid-dependent students might reach the conclusion that the College values athletes over international students. Most committee members agreed that this is an issue which seems largely unknown to the faculty.
There was discussion of the College’s relationship with Middle States. A committee member noted that the faculty might not be utilizing its connection to Middle States to the best of its abilities. Middle States exists as a mouthpiece for faculty to express its concerns to an independent organization that will relay those concerns back to the College at an administrative level.
Some committee members stated that there is a degree of discontent among faculty with respect to the due date for grades and the recent public notice (Faculty informed of 12/27 due date via email on 12/6). FAEC will attempt to make future due dates available early. Committee members agreed that incorporating the grade due date in the Academic Calendar at the start of the College’s fiscal year would address current faculty concerns with the process.
Faculty Assembly to vote on the final document of the Shared Governance Task Force later today. Various voting options were discussed, depending on the number of faculty present at FA.
Library architects will be on campus December 13 10-11 in SC 156 and 4-5 in ASB 136 for a forum for faculty, students, and staff to observe plans for new library ask questions and raise concerns.
There are concerns about the retirement of Luminis (currently planned for end of S’18) and (possibly) Moodle. FAEC President will contact George Tabak regarding sending another communication about termination/transition dates.
Lally and Woody Visit: Roukema Center will make arrangements for international student needs during interim; some students qualify for College coverage, while some are subject to charges. Lally and others will encourage President Mercer and Administration to find money for uncovered students. College staff and organizations have volunteered to supply transportation and other services. A committee member stated that full scholarships and housing scholarships should cover student needs during holidays and dates College is closed. There is some question as to whether Admissions or the Roukema Center is responsible for recruitment and seeing to these students’ needs during such times. A committee member raised the question of whether it would be helpful for faculty to donate food this winter. A committee member suggested money donations are more effective. A committee member asked whether CSI might donate money for international student trips and events; Lally replied that the answer depends on the politics of how to use the student activity fees paid by all students. SGA will vote on Shared Governance plan by Monday 10/11. The SGA Relief Committee has secured a room in ASB for a food pantry for homeless students; a majority of homeless students state a preference that peers staff the pantry. SGA would like faculty to participate in a Task Force on Open Education Resources.
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