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Present: Naseem Choudhury (President, SSHS), Bonnie Blake (Councilor-at-Large over 11, CA), Katie Cohen (Library), Donna Flynn (Councilor-at-Large under 11, TAS), Ken McMurdy (TAS), Kim Lorber (Secretary), Lisa Lutter, (CA), Thierry Rakotobe-Joel (ASB), Mihaela Serban (SSHS), Ed Shannon (Vice President, HGS)
Guests: Christina O’Connor (Library)
Vote to bring meeting to order at 10:01am.
Minutes Approval: The 10/13/21 were approved and 10/21/21 minutes were approved with one abstention.
Course Delivery Working Group: Naseem met with Provost Gaulden. Naseem advocated for inclusion of students in the working group; Susan has the ultimate decision. It may still be possible to have a meeting with stakeholders to discuss composition of the working group, process, timeline, etc. (as outlined in the report of the Shared Governance Task Force).
One Year Schedule Request from Deans: If the Course Delivery Working Group were to recommend new course delivery modes, when would it be realistic to expect them to be implemented? Deans have asked for a 1-year schedule, which suggests that there would be a 3-semester delay. The Working Group’s timeline should be based on a realistic implementation date and not be unnecessarily rushed.
Faculty/Dining Hall: It is still unclear how to resolve the issue of faculty having no on-campus dining option in the evenings. Naseem will speak again with Brittany A. Williams-Goldstein (Chief of Staff and Board Liaison) regarding the wish of faculty and staff to use the dining facilities. Currently, interested faculty are being asked to contact Kirsten Loewrigkeit (VP for Administration and Finance) to request individual dining privileges. On-campus dining for faculty is a reasonable expectation, and this situation needs to be resolved.
Career Development Calendar: This has been rescheduled. Janet Faber sent the new information to faculty identified for this year.
Career Development Committee: Who will serve on this from Units and for All-College Committee?
Needs Statements: Dr. Angela Cristini (Interim VP for Institutional Advancement and Executive Director of the Ramapo College Foundation) will provide more details on how this will work at Faculty Assembly. President Jebb has said that deans will adjudicate proposals, but it is not clear if deans will confer to avoid duplicating request approvals.
Future Series: The first event will be November 15th at 1pm and likely in-person. Dr. Jebb said that there will be more in this series, as well as fireside chats and reflections.
Funds: If we need money for different programs, we might have to find it. Example: Honors Program.
Family Fun Day: Chris Romano (EMSA) reported back to Naseem and Ed about the idea of showcasing examples of student scholarship (Trillium, Scholars’ Day, Honors Program, symposia, etc.). The suggestion was enthusiastically received. We can invite alumni back, and current students’ work could be showcased the following year.
Alumni Awards/Successes: How can we utilize and promote stories of Ramapo alumni successes? We might benefit from annual or semester emails to faculty to see if anyone has learned of exciting accomplishments to be shared.
Dean of Library Ad: The job has been posted but the librarians did not all know about this search. Dean Susan Hangen is the Chair. It is unclear about the rationale of a required rank of the librarian committee representative.
FA Bylaws: Christina O’Connor, Ed and Mia reviewed changes in advance of the upcoming Faculty Assembly review and vote. The issue of voting procedures was discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 12:08pm.
Categories: FAEC meeting Minutes 2021, RAMAPO FAEC
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