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Present: Naseem Choudhury (President, SSHS), Bonnie Blake ((Councilor-at-Large over 11, CA), Katie Cohen (Library), Donna Flynn (Councilor-at-Large under 11, TAS), Paula Straile-Costa (for Ed Shannon) (Vice President, HGS), Kim Lorber (Secretary), Lisa Lutter, (CA), Thierry Rakotobe-Joel (ASB), Mihaela Serban (SSHS), Ken McMurdy (TAS)
Excused: Ed Shannon
Guests: Stephen Rice (ARC, Chair)
Vote to bring meeting to order at 10:06am.
Minutes Approval: The last 3 sets of meeting minutes will be approved by Qualtrics
FAEC Minutes: Ken McMurdy will receive these for first review.
Discussions with Provost:
Faculty Assembly: We will continue using the hybrid mode for Fall 2022. We have 215 full-time faculty and 300+ adjuncts.
Spring 2022 Calendar: The Spring 2020 calendar was rolled over without FAEC prior discussion.
Spring 2022 Course Delivery Modes: Administration controls delivery modes. The 3 modes are: online, pre-pandemic hybrid, and in-person. Schedules must be done by September 16th. Faculty with concerns are directed to discuss concerns with deans.
SGA: Naseem will speak with Anjali Patel, SGA President.
Shared Governance Meeting with RSA, SGA and admin: Date to be determined.
Outside Meeting Spaces: Kirsten Loewrigkeit, Vice President for Administration and Finance,
asked to meet with Naseem about these.
Graduate Council: We need to re-engage our members and ask for a report to FAEC.
Space Committee: We would like reports from this group as well.
Sustainability/Refuse Collection: FAEC will ask for clarifications regarding this matter.
May 25th Meeting with Dr. Jebb: Naseem and Katie Cohen will work on archiving this.
ITS FAEC Representatives: Two FAEC representatives, Bonnie Blake and Thierry Rakotbe-Joel, will meet with Rob Doster of ITS regularly.
Faculty In-service: This will be done virtually on Wednesday, September 29th. We will address the FAEC bylaws and Faculty Handbook.
FAEC Bylaws: There are two issues to address: the role of over/under 11 councilors, and adjunct inclusion.
Faculty Handbook: Donna and Mia are on this committee. Progress has been slow. Coordination has been limited. This is the second academic year faculty is working on this with Virginia Galdieri (Assistant Vice President, Human Resources and Benefits Administration).
Unemployment Help: Faculty were asked for names of individuals who needed help filing. We were told someone would be designated to assist. Some have reached out for help, which does not seem to be available.
Faculty Assembly President: Elections will be held this year at the last FA meeting of the semester. Naseem will send out information. We will vote by Qualtrics.
Used Names Policy: Most students’ names have been corrected. We will continue to be attentive to this.
Open Houses and Admitted Student Days: Faculty participation at Open Houses will be left to the discretion of the dean. Faculty will be invited to Admitted Student Days. Small programs benefit from being able to present at Open Houses.
College Website: It would be beneficial if a faculty member or members could liaise on a regular basis with the web administrator (as we do with Rob Doster), in order to institute changes and display accurate, updated information on Major/minor program websites.
Promoting the College: Questions about previous Marketing campaign were raised
Librarians: There was discussion regarding the librarians exclusion from the RamaPRO program.
Schedule: Questions about reinstating the Common Hours and the CEC were raised. This will be revisited in the Spring.
Clarify COVID-19 Can’t Come to Campus Process: With whom should faculty discuss their situation??
ARC (Stephen Rice, Chair):
Meeting adjourned at 11:55am.
Categories: Uncategorized
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