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Presenters: Ed Shannon (HGS, Moderator), Naseem Choudhury (President), Scott Frees (Vice President)
Guest Presenters: Susan Vallario (Board of Trustees Chair), Peter Mercer (President), Susan Gaulden (Provost), Eric Karlin (Presidential Search Committee), Nicole Morgan Agard (Chief Equity and Diversity Officer), Joel Weissman (Chair/Member of the Scholar’s Week Committee)
Kim Lorber (Secretary)
Meeting brought to order at 1:07pm.
Assembly Minutes: November minutes were approved via Qualtrics.
Personnel Matters: Promotion, Reappointment, etc. has been something FAEC has been working on with the various constituencies on campus. Contact Janet Faber in ER if you have any questions. Tammi Redd is offering Faculty Development workshops. Send other questions to Jill Brown in HR.
Appreciation: The Provost reported on how well the faculty has worked to solve unanticipated problems. We seem to be on top of everything at this moment.
Student Evaluations: Will these be adjusted for remote teaching? Provost Gaulden has asked the faculty to review the current evaluation document.
Pass/Fail Fall 2020: Currently, we will not use this model. The date for withdrawal has been pushed back. The Provost Council is looking at the R/F grading policy (including repeating a non-failing grade). This is possibly going to be expanded to allow use for 4 courses or 16 credits. We are not looking at the Pass/Fail grading policy right now. Be flexible about Incompletes as requested. GPAs without data due to Pass/Fails can compromise financial aid, visas, and more. NJIT is allowing 2 courses to be pass/fail this semester. Last spring, Provost Gaulden found 1,000 students requested 2,000 grade changes; many were Bs or higher; some who earned As took a Pass grade, instead.
In-person courses Spring 2021: 185 courses will have some portion of meetings in-person of approximately 1,200 courses.
Incompletes: Extenuating circumstances can make students qualified, with justification, if needed; the usual requirement is completion of 2/3 of course work to qualify for an Incomplete. Faculty should use their best judgment.
Faculty Burnout: President Mercer acknowledged faculty burnout.
COVID-19 Positive Students: If they wish to have a medical incomplete, will they automatically qualify? What sort of documentation would be needed and to whom should it be sent?
Student Study Space: Why did 80% of students not know about the study spaces on campus? It is likely emails were not read; there will be more promotions of these spaces which will also be promoted via social media.
COVID-19 Vaccines: These will not be available to the campus community unless someone is a first responder.
Budget: A cataclysmic event is not expected. We have 400 students in-residence and had hoped for twice that of 3,300 beds. Applications look good; these are down approximately 35% nationally, and ours are down by 18%. It is hoped this gap will be closed with incoming applicants.
New Board of Trustee Members: There are retirements coming up. Are there new trustees lined up?
BOT ADDRESS: Chair S. Vallario
Thank you: Chair Vallario has offered to the faculty the gratitude of the Board of Trustees for how we have managed during the pandemic.
New President: The Board of Trustees looks forward to working with the new president and to making a smooth transition.
Search Update: Dr. Karlin provided an update about the search. More than 100 candidates were reviewed. Committee members voted for their top 5 candidates. The top 9 were interviewed remotely. Finalists will be announced in December or early January.
NICOLE MORGAN AGARD REPORT, Chief Equity and Diversity Officer
Tamika Quick: Resigned. A Search Committee of 6, including Dr. Leah Warner as the faculty representative, is ongoing. A new hire is hoped to be announced soon.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: There is a task force of student, faculty and staff; more information will come.
Diversity Training: In Spring 2018, a training was held for faculty (not mandatory) and staff (mandatory). There was a lot going on in 2020 and it is hoped to be held in 2021.
Diversity Convocation: An announcement will be made in the Daily Digest. A strong keynote speaker is being sought. Updates will be provided soon.
COVID-19 Cases on Campus: President Mercer said most cases are commuters. Provost Gaulden explained those who receive notification of a possible exposure does not mean those who are self-quarantining have tested positive; in fact they did not and are complying with CDC requirements.
Joel Weissman (Chair/Member of the Scholar’s Week Committee): The Scholar’s Week website has a few additional resources as compared to the past. This is to celebrate all types of scholarship by our students. It will be held for a week in April. Posters, recorded presentations, panel discussions, and other possible programming are forthcoming. Please let students in your classes know. See the Scholars Day FAQ General link. See the website: https://www.ramapo.edu/scholarsday/
Snow Days: This is being considered for mental health days. The Provost will get back to us. In-person courses would be snow days per the usual policy.
Dead Name Issue: Provost Gaulden is committed to finding a solution to this for students who wish to be called by their new/preferred name. Dr. Leah Warner is on this committee, which is working on a comprehensive policy to allow students to update their names. They are finalizing the draft, which will be presented to the Provost’s Council in December. There are a few places where the legal name is needed; otherwise the USED NAME would be implemented elsewhere throughout the College. Nicole Morgan Agard asked the faculty to respect and use the privately or publicly requested name.
Academic Review Committee: Stephen Rice, ARC chair presented two voting items.
1.Name change: The Integrative Science Studies major has minor changes. Emma Rainforth is the convener. The proposal is to change the name to Business Studies concentration from Business Administration concentration. 2. A new minor in ASB is being created relevant to all academic studies. Entrepreneurship minor includes Entrepreneurial Essentials, two other courses and a Capstone.
General Education Coordinator: A Qualtrics survey will be sent out including a third voting item. Emily Leskinen has volunteered to be the coordinator of the Systems, Sustainability, and Society category.
Meeting Adjourned at 1:56pm.
Categories: FA RCNJ Minutes 2020, FACULTY ASSEMBLY MINUTES, Faculty Assembly Minutes 2020, Uncategorized
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