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Faculty Assembly

FAEC Minutes Sept 16, 2020

FAEC MINUTES 9/16/2020 

Present: Roark Atkinson (HGS), Naseem Choudhury (President), Katie Cohen (Library), Donna Flynn (Councilor-at-Large under 11), Scott Frees (TAS), Kim Lorber (Secretary), Lisa Lutter, (CA), Thierry Rakotbe-Joel (ASB), Mihaela Serban (SSHS),  Ashwani Vasishth (Councilor-at-Large over 11)  

Guests: Sarah Carberry (GECCo) and Stephen Rice (ARC)

Vote to begin meeting to order at 10:06am.

Minutes Approval: The 9/9/20 minutes will be approved at the next meeting.

Faculty Assembly Qualtrics Votes: GECCo and the Councilor-at-large over 11 positions will be voted on by the faculty via Qualtrics.

Targeted List for Faculty and Adjuncts: Naseem will be working with other campus constituencies to make sure we have a completely up-to-date list. There is a great need to have an easily accessible and up-to-date list at all times from administration.

Graduate Council: Scott Frees is the chair of the committee. We need clarification of the FA role and we should have an FA member who is involved with graduate programs. Ashwani Vasishth has volunteered.

SGA: We will invite the president of the student government to come to Faculty Assembly. Our Unit Council meetings are at the same time as those of SGA. FAEC members will rotate attending SGA meetings.

Student Insurance: The opt out option was confusing to students as there was also mention of revisiting this in the spring; it should be once each year except for new students who come to Ramapo College in the spring. There were conflicting explanations and information given to students regarding the health insurance billing and opt-out procedures, which must be addressed. 

Spring 2021: We do not yet know what the spring will be like regarding the number of face-to-face courses. Naseem will seek clarification.

Committees on campus: Naseem will see who is serving in the following committees each of which should have a 2-year term: Mission Fulfillment Committee, Human Capital and Financial Resources Committee, and the Audit Committee. Clarification is needed of whether tenured faculty should serve on these. 

Committees: The campus has many committees at many levels, charged by different bodies on campus and it would be helpful to have a central location with an up-to-date master list with the members identified.

EOF/CRW: Provost Gaulden and Vice President of Enrollment Management Chris Romano notified Faculty Assembly President Naseem Choudhury of a faculty liaison position that will be created for the CRW; the person hired for this combined position would handle the management part of CRW. This means we will not have a director of the CRW; it is no longer part of the budget. 


  • ● Stephen Rice, ARC Chair will work closely with FAEC. Two of the unit representatives are new to the committee. Meetings will be on Wednesdays at 11am. Stephen is working with Sarah Carberry to streamline the online submission of materials. Signature management is needed. Hyland is a document management system, not yet operational. The committee will use Google Drive folders until it is. The ARC manual will be reviewed for revisions with a particular focus on procedures. Stephen will work with Naseem. ARC’s presence in the bylaws does include functions not currently being performed. Perhaps WAC and GECCo should also be included in the ARC bylaws. Another goal is to make the submission process easier.
  • ● 3/1 Programs: Under Provost Becker, these were called ongoing programs and not new. 

3/1 Programs: Naseem is part of the Psychology 3/1 committee, which worked with our partner institution to ensure the curriculum they cover is comparable to the courses we have here. Some courses are easy substitutions. There are other courses like Research Methods they are not set up to teach.

New Gen Ed: Part of the goal was to make GECCo a standing committee per the GECCo bylaws. It is not in the FA bylaws. In some ways GECCo is an FA committee running parallel to ARC doing pre-reviews. There is a bit of overlap. The ARC bylaws say GECCo reports to ARC. The ARC bylaws need to be revised. 

Bylaws: The various bylaws of major committees need to be reviewed, updated, and synchronized. This will be a big project. In particular, these will concern the relationship of WAC, ARC and GECCo. This will involve a conversation with the Provost. Ed Shannon (FAEC), WAC Chair (TBA), Stephen Rice (ARC), and Sarah Carberry (GECCo) will work with Mia Serban (FAEC) on coordination.

Mission Fulfillment:  This is a BoT subcommittee attending specifically to the activities of: Academic Affairs, Enrollment Management, Institutional Advancement, and Student Affairs. There is one faculty member, Stephen Rice, who has had his first orientation and was invited because he is the ARC Chair. The following document describes the three BoT subcommittees faculty participate in:

Strategic Resources Allocation Budget (SRAB) Committee: Sarah Carberry is the only faculty representative. This committee makes budget recommendations to Cabinet. At least one more budgeting expert faculty member might be a beneficial addition joining Sarah. The following document contains information about this committee:

Personnel Issues: These seem to be resolving and dates are appearing for the different committees.

Meeting adjourned at 11:57am.

Categories: FAEC MEETING MINUTES 2020, RAMAPO FAEC, Uncategorized