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DRAFT FAEC Minutes 4/15/2020
Faculty Assembly Executive Council [FAEC] Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2020 | Location: ONLINE/REMOTE | Time: 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Attendees: Tae Kwak, Donna Flynn, Kathy Zeno, Christina Connor, Scott Frees, Roark Atkinson, Naseem Choudhury, Ashwani Vasishth (Interim SSHS Representative), Pinar Kayaalp (interim HGS Representative), Lisa Lutter
Secretary: Nakia Matthias
Guest: President Mercer, Provost Gaulden
I. FAEC Minutes Approved
II. Stefan Becker and Full Professorship Promotion Slots
Stefan Becker is returning to RCNJ as a full professor of Environmental Science. He will be working in Environmental Studies with SSHS. Becker may possibly be teaching Physical Geography, World Sustainability, and FYS.
Not necessarily specific to this case, but concerning senior administrators (including Provosts, Vice Provosts, and Deans) who are are hired with faculty tenure and full professor rank, if they choose to formally join the faculty after they step down from their administrative positions, can create imbalances. In particular, there is concern that (1) they contribute to the total number and proportion of full professors which is likely to negatively effect the calculation that goes into determining the number of full promotion opportunities available for traditionally hired faculty, and (2) they may adversely affect the student/faculty ratio and breadth of field, particularly for smaller Convening Groups, and negatively impact the possibility of hiring a necessary specialist needed for the curriculum in that Convening Group.
FAEC suggested that there should be clarification about how the College handles the transitions from an administrative to faculty positions. There should be specification about whether such transitions will take up faculty promotion slots, as well as what the implications are to FTE. FAEC also suggested to the Provost that convening groups and search committees should be involved in any considerations regarding the transition of administrators to faculty positions to ensure that there is alignment and that the CG’s needs have been factored into any assessments.
III. RCNJ Hiring Freeze and New Faculty Lines
The existing hiring freeze will be sustained until further notice. Units that have conducted searches and received acceptance for offers made have already obtained approval. Offers will not be rescinded but new offers will not be made. All searches are presently on hold. Searches for two part time lines for the library have been suspended. There was/is an active search for a Canvas Administrator, and a search was completed for a new Nurse Practitioner but no offer has been made.
IV. RCNJ Budgetary Concerns
Students received partial reimbursements for room and board. RCNJ will have to examine cost cutting as the state is withholding funding that it previously committed to grant the College. The cuts to the RCNJ budget are greater than the federal stimulus would be. When courses are solely remote, and if the College cannot resume classes on campus RCNJ will be ”in the red” without revenues raised from room and board, including auxiliary revenue raised from summer rental of dorms and classrooms. The Provost stated that The College cannot promise that everyone will keep their jobs. The provost stated that, “absent something unusual, there will be staffing considerations.” Additionally, the Provost explained that reassign-time and stipends will have to be negotiated but will be considered on a case by case and reasonable basis.
FAEC expressed concern that some universities and colleges are using the COVID-19 crisis as an excuse for austerity. In most other institutions the administration will see a dip in their salaries. Additionally, in the past when Stefan Becker served as provost, the FAEC President asked him whether non-academic units would experience budgetary cuts. Stefan asserted that it is not his business and that he did not know. FAEC stated concerns about administrative bloat at The College and informed the Provost that it should be informed about what non-academic units are cutting and scaling back on. In discussion with the Provost, FAEC noted that the core function of The College involves teaching and that administrators should be mindful of this. Furthermore, FAEC reminded the Provost that it is necessary for the FAEC to be informed of the guiding principles and approaches to addressing budgetary cuts and administrative bloat.
There is a rumor circulating that a letter has been presented to faculty that informs them that they will receive an 11 percent pay cut. This is not the case, there are no such letters being distributed to faculty or staff. However AFT has specified that during declared financial emergencies faculty can be subject to a 3 per cent pay cut. Furthermore, the Provost explained that If the state declares a financial emergency tenured professors could be vulnerable to termination.
FAEC recommends that other revenue generating ideas are explored. Considerations should weigh how faculty can contribute and how people can take more classes remotely. This issue involves the marketing of online classes, which should be taken up by the College.
Although Chris Romano has communicated that RCNJ enrollments for the summer 2020 and Fall 2020 are solid, there is still uncertainty regarding how The College will proceed in the Fall. Boston University devised a contingency plan not to resume campus-based classes possibly until January 2021. RCNJ must be prepared with contingency plans.
According to AFT an RCNJ provost has never exercised the power to regulate or reassign the mode of course delivery, or where courses should be situated [if online or at other off-campus locations] but could certainly make this determination.
There has been no further discussion of Three Plus One programs that the FAEC has been privy to.
V. RCNJ Commencement and Student Concerns
RCNJ is examining ways to develop features that can replace a graduation and harken back to an actual commencement ceremony. President Mercer indicated that graduation, “is not going to be as it was”
FEAC suggests that the administration send out an official announcement as soon as possible to proactively address concerns about commencement and other issues that seem to be uncertain. Mercer explained that students can voice their concerns with the Dean of students, and that he would not deter them from reaching out to him directly.
VI. RCNJ Student Survey
The Provost shared that the student survey reflects students complaints about faculty are using several kinds of online interfaces to facilitate classes and that faculty are assigning too much work.
Meeting Adjourned 12 pm
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