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Wednesday, October 30, 2019
1 pm, Friends Hall
Presidential Search Committee Faculty Nominations
The Presidential search has five nominees [listed in alphabetical order according to last names]:
Submit additional nominations to the FA President, Tae Kwak or the FAEC Secretary, Nakia Matthias by Friday, November 1 at 11:59 pm.
FAEC Presidential Nominations
FAEC Presidential nominees will deliver speeches at the next FA. Voting will take place online. A link or site will be available to faculty to cast their votes. There will be a one week voting window to secure votes. Submit nominations to the FA President, Tae Kwak or the FAEC Secretary, Nakia Matthias.
Three Plus One Agreements
The Provost has informed FA that TPO’s bear guarantees of exclusivity. There are also rough preliminary numbers relative to the financial benefits of TPO’s which can be provided by the Provost’s Office. There had not been any determination as to whether TPO’s will feature three or four credit courses.
Transitioning to the Canvas Learning Management Platform
Canvas is available for the Spring semester and faculty can begin setting up their courses using the interface’s sandbox feature. The instructional design center can be contacted for any support needed to setting up course content on Canvas. Material uploaded to canvas will be protected intellectual property. The provost suggests using Canvas to alleviate costs associated with copying and printing through the use of ink and paper. https://www.ramapo.edu/idc/canvas/
Faculty- Student Research Collaborations
Provost Becker encourages faculty to consider student-faculty collaborative research and cites this engagement as one of the best predictors of student success. A faculty member suggested a streamlined and more efficient way to apply for campus-based andRCNJ related funding in support of research with students. Currently this time consuming and laborious process calls for completion of multiple applications through various offices and programs. It was mentioned that perhaps a universal application can serve to streamline such application processes in the future.
Archiving and Accessing Documentation via Strategic Planning Online (SPOL)
The Provost recommends that each unit work to store and assess faculty credentials/records using SPOL. faculty can update their CV and programs can upload records relative to reappointment, promotion, and tenure processes. Additionally the platform can be used to house student/faculty work. https://www.ramapo.edu/iep/spol/
Faculty Development Funding
The level of support for the Faculty Development Fund will remain the same as last year’s appropriations.
The mission of the RCNJ Ombuds is “ To serve as an accessible, independent, impartial and confidential resource for the expeditious resolution of issues and disputes within Ramapo College.” The Ombuds office does not represent management, staff, faculty, administrators or parents. Communication with the ombudsman is confidential. Most communication will be conducted in person and e-mail communication is limited relative to any concerns brought to the attention of the Office of the Ombuds. The Ombudsman is on campus two days per week but is available via telephone any day of the week. The Office of the Ombuds is in the Lodge, Room 122. Web page: https://www.ramapo.edu/ombuds/
Categories: FACULTY ASSEMBLY MINUTES, RCNJ Faculty Assembly Minutes 2019
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