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Faculty Assembly Executive Council (FAEC) Meeting Minutes October 11 2017 ASB 008 Room 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Attendees: Christina Connor, Cristina Perez, Roark Atkinson, Renata Gangemi, Kathryn Zeno, Eva Ogens, Tae Kwak
Excused: Gladys Torres-Baumgarten, Kim Lorber
Secretary: Hugh Sheehy
Guests: Leigh Keller and Liz Siecke; Beth Foster and Jaime Velazquez; Stephan Lally
Meeting called to order by Tae Kwak at 10:30
11/4 minutes approved
It was stated that FAEC would attempt to adjourn by noon to attend the State of the College Address.
10:30-11:30 Keller and Siecke Visit: There are concerns about the progress of the library renovation. A faculty member expressed concern with the transparency of the process of the renovation and some of the decisions about what will be included in the renovation; it was stated that the source of some decisions was unclear; it was stated, for example, the inclusion of the Krame Center in the library seems like a questionable choice and that increased visibility of the logic of the choice might help to clarify the issue. Guests explained that there a number of aspects of the renovation process that are in flux.
A faculty member expressed concern that the Task Force for Library Renovation (CORRECT NAME?) reflects a failure of shared governance; it was agreed that the role of the TF in the process is unclear; a faculty member stated that faculty members (including librarians) were never consulted about important renovation choices and that the decision-making structure for renovations remains unclear. There was some discussion of the possible rationale for including a Mindfulness Center in the new library; there was the question of whether the issue of the Center’s location should be brought to an upcoming Faculty Assembly for discussion and a possible vote to clarify the faculty’s position on this issue. A faculty member emphasized that the focus of any such discussion should be on the essential role the library should play on the campus; this question (of role) should be prioritized over questions of more specialized interests and also to evaluate those specialized. There was discussion of the best way to communicate this possibility to the Provost and the President in the interest of shared governance. It was proposed that this issue be taken to Unit Councils on 10/18 to develop talking points on this issue in advance of the Faculty Forum and the Faculty Assembly. It was decided that a topic for the Forum will be “Library Renovation.”
Keller and Siecke agreed to return for the 10/18 FAEC meeting.
A faculty member raised the issue of whether there should be a standing ARC subcommittee for online and hybrid courses. It was agreed that this subcommittee should concern itself not only with course review but also with solving problems related to exam scheduling and future mandatory attendance-taking.
11:30 Foster and Velazquez Visit (Stephan Lally also present): FAEC considered new exam schedule proposal:
8:00 am-11:20 am
11:35 am-2:55 pm
3:10 pm-6:30 pm
6:45 pm-10:05 pm
With respect to proposed schedule, Velazquez stated it was his sense that students could deal with taking up to three exams in one day at most. A faculty member stated that three exams in a day seemed like too many. It was confirmed that there was no College policy against having three exams scheduled in a single day; it remains a possibility that holding four exams in a day would result in some students having four exams in a day. Foster explained that given the current number of exams, assuming no more than three exams are scheduled per day, that it is impossible to avoid certain inconvenient exam times. Foster explained that one solution might be to do away with the final exam week and simply add another week in which classes would meet and administer exams (though this might require exam revision for some faculty). It was stated that many faculty and students would like a due-date for grades made publicly available each year. Lally stated that students have asked that EOF start- and end-dates be posted each year; he also stated that students have transportation-related concerns they would like brought to the administration.
It was suggested that the four-exam option be brought to 10/18 Unit Councils. Foster indicated that noon 10/27 would be a desirable time-and-date by which to have a solution. Faculty members will aim to supply solution on 10/25.
It was proposed that FAEC table discussion of whether to replace exam week with extra week of classes for time being.
12:08 Meeting adjourned
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