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AED Info

Collegiate EMS Week, which takes place during the second full week in November, is a week-long recognition and celebration of campus-based EMS programs.  Coinciding with this year’s goal of expanding access to CPR training and public access AED’s, Ramapo College is announcing that we now have 16 AED’s strategically located around campus, including 5 new devices that were just place in service this week.

What is an AED and when should it be used?

  • An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. It’s a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, medical device that can analyze the heart’s rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm.

Why were these AED’s purchased?

  • The new AED’s were installed for added safety in key areas where members of the campus community congregate for special events and in areas that are used for dining purposes.

Where are the AED’s located on campus?

The new AED’s are found in the following locations:

  • Bradley Center – Arena Lobby
  • Adler Center – Lobby by Dunkin Donuts
  • Student Center – Between Atrium and Birch
  • Student Center – Friends Hall
  • Student Center – Alumni Lounges

Who on staff is trained in using the AED’s?

  • Public Safety Officers, Fire Safety, Ramapo College EMS, Health and Counseling Services, Head Coaches and Athletic Trainers are all trained in CPR/AED.  Additional staff, faculty, students, and visitors may also be trained as well.  CPR/AED training is available on campus through RCEMS.  If interested in hosting or attending a class, please email

If you see something wrong with an AED or have questions about their use please call Ramapo College Fire Safety at 201-684-6252.