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Annual Reports
Every year DAC co-chairs provide a summary report of the activities for the academic year. To learn more about DAC’s work, click on the following reports:
Archived Reports
The DAC chair met individually with members of the Ramapo community who initially volunteered for the Comittee (faculty, staff and students). Their thoughts and impressions were compiled into a “meta analysis” on campus climate and the recruitment and retention of faculty, staff and students. This document provided the Diversity Action Committee with a vital launching point for early discussion. A complete copy of this document can be downloaded from the Diversity Action Committee’s File Site on Luminis or through an e-mail request to the chair of the DAC.
Minority Student Recruitment Plan – Fall 2006 (PDF) (DOC)
Please forward any recommendations or comments on student recruitment to Peter Goetz. E-Mail:pgoetz@ramapo.edu
Ten Year Minority Student Enrollment Report (PDF) (DOC)
This report contains the following information:
Ramapo Ethnic Newspaper Profile (PDF)
Please forward any recommendations for other newspapers to Rosa Diaz-Mulryan E-Mail: rmulryan@ramapo.edu
Radio Station Profiles (PDF) (XLS)
Please forward any recommendations for other radio stations to Rosa Diaz-Mulryan. E-Mail: rmulryan@ramapo.edu
Minority Student Recruitment Plan – Fall 2005 (PDF) (DOC)
Attached please find a copy of the Diversity Action Committee’s Midyear Report and Recommendations attached to this letter. Following the advice (and at times pleas) of our colleagues, we have decided to keep our report as concise and to the point as possible.
Given the relatively short time frame that we have had to prepare this report, several assumptions are tacit:
The Diversity Action Committee strongly recommends that the College President, Administration and Board of Trustees begin to apply the recommendations in this report without delay. As you will see, recommendations are broken down into Short Term (to be accomplished by the end of Spring 2005), Mid Term (Academic Year 2005-2006) and Long Term (Summer 2006 on).
It is important to note these are only preliminary recommendations and that a great deal of work remains to be broached by the committee to further develop recommendations.
Please feel free to contact me if you should have any additional questions, concerns or issues and thank you for your continued support of the DAC.
Patrick P. Chang, Ed.D.
Diversity Action Committee Chair
Associate Dean of Students
Patrick Chang, Associate Dean of Students/Chair
x7591, pchang@ramapo.edu
Professor Lisa Cassidy, Assistant Professor of Philosophy/AIS
x7146, lcassidy@ramapo.edu
Professor Joseph Dallon, TAS and Acting Director of Study Abroad
x7730, jdallon@ramapo.edu
Rosa Diaz Mulryan, Assistant Vice President of Marketing and
Institutional Relations x7636, rmulryan@ramapo.edu
Peter Goetz, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
x7307, pgoetz@ramapo.edu
Judith Grieco, Office Assistant/TAS
x7290, jgrieco@ramapo.edu
Professor Edna Negron, Assistant Professor of Journalism/CA
X7186, enegron@ramapo.edu
Anthony Olarerin-George, Student representative – OAU President and Black Student Union Representative
Professor Andre Perry, Associate Professor/CA
X7573, aperry@ramapo.edu
Diana Williams, Assistant Director of the Student Assistant Program
x7446, dwilliam@ramapo.edu
Furthermore, the Diversity Action Committee wishes to acknowledge the time and effort that Professor Fran Shapiro Skrobe and the Affirmative Action Self Study Committee of 1999 put into framing the prevalent issues of their time. The thorough work that Professor Skrobe and Dorothy Echols Tobe put into creating a well-researched and thought-provoking report helped save us hundreds of hours of “reinventing the wheel.”
In general, the faculty, staff and students of Ramapo College are happy to be here. They cite a very personal, friendly and warm environment as being key elements supporting their remaining here. People agree that Ramapo is an informal environment where everyone knows and refers to each other by first name. It is a caring place that encourages creativity and experimentation in terms of teaching and administrative practice.
Members of the community expressed surprise that Ramapo has garnered so much recent national acclimation (i.e., US News and World Report , Princeton Review ). Somehow we feel that we must not be doing as much as our colleagues “out there,” and it is often surprising to find out that we are frequently on the cutting (if not, at times “bleeding”) edge of innovation and practice.
The physical environment of the Ramapo campus lends itself well to our mission – the interconnectedness of its academic wings enforces the idea of interdisciplinarity and state-of-the-art residence halls with one-to-one “port to pillow” ratios brings home the idea of just how local a multicultural, international and experiential education can be.
Our community members have a richness of experiences with diversity through personal experiences and travels, relationships and expertise. The college community needs to do a better job of applying those experiences and abilities.
“Things are done the Ramapo way” is frequently stated with pride by veteran faculty and staff. Our question would be “is this necessarily a good thing?”
Many decisions at Ramapo College are based on relationships that people have with each other. The downside of such an environment is that several members of the community feel that they are left out of the loop. The ability to personally engage contingencies through discussion, collegiality and inclusiveness are essential factors in institutional decision making at Ramapo College.
The pervasive perception of those disenfranchised members of the community is that it is “who you know” in order to receive funding or permission to develop programs at Ramapo and that those who are in power decide who to allow into their realm of power.
The “side effects” of an informal system where relationships are such a large part of doing business at Ramapo are that discrimination takes place quite frequently. Some people feel frustrated by their inability to be promoted or receive the equal treatment that they see being distributed to their peers/colleagues.
Another issue identified is the false assumption that policy decisions are clearly communicated in a “trickle down” method from more senior officials to all that work at the college. Frequently, this doesn’t happen. Messages are either never communicated or reinterpreted to the point of losing their focus.
In a 1999 study conducted by the Affirmative Action Task Force utilizing full-time faculty data according to gender, ethnicity and race from 1997, Ramapo College’s profile met or exceeded national breakdowns. At the same time, Ramapo came in 5 th of the 8 New Jersey state colleges. As quoted in the study:
“The data revealed that while we have substantially increased the representation of females, most notably White, Non-Hispanic females, on the faculty, we have shown only slight gains in the number and percentage of faculty of color, primarily in the number of Black, Non-Hispanic males and females. All other categories of faculty of color remained low and static over the last ten years. In comparing Ramapo’s results to those of seven other New Jersey state colleges and universities for Fall 1997, we found that with the exception of Black, Non-Hispanic male faculty, we had the lowest or the second lowest proportion of faculty of color in all racial/ethnic categories. In contrast, we had the highest percentage of White, Non-Hispanic males. Among the four state colleges and universities not accessible by mass transportation, Ramapo College has the lowest proportion of faculty of color.”
Significant concerns also exist about our current student body. The perception by the community is that the price we have paid for increased selectivity and a better prepared student is a more homogenous student body characterized mainly by white, middle or upper class full-time students.
Teaching about diversity is becoming increasingly challenging given the fact that “the other” is rapidly becoming an abstraction rather than a living, breathing being with a wide range of life experiences to counter preconceived notions of race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation and identity, socioeconomic status, religious background, physical abilities and political leanings.
In addition, a sampling of minority student organizational leaders have anecdotally cited the following experiences as part of their day-to-day perceptions of existence at Ramapo:
The campus has never been engaged in a campus-wide survey on climate and perceptions of equity. Our first and foremost recommendation is to check the validity of our many anecdotal observations by calling for an environmental assessment to be conducted by the beginning of the Fall 2005 semester. In order to ensure validity and objectivity, we are recommending that an overall assessment of the entire campus be conducted by an external consultant similar to the Oregon State University model.
An initial meta analysis was conducted by the chair of the Diversity Action Committee of all 46 members who had volunteered to serve on the DAC. Environmental perceptions, questions, definitions of diversity and suggestions were analyzed and broken down according to campus climate, recruitment and retention of faculty and recruitment and retention of students. This document helped to provide the DAC with a general sense of direction during their preliminary Fall 2004 meetings.
During the course of these weekly meetings, portions of each session were dedicated toward meeting with representatives from Enrollment Management, Marketing and Communications and Affirmative Action/Workplace Compliance in order to get a firmer understanding of guidelines and goals.
A two-day retreat was held during the Winter 2005 session where representatives from the 1999 Affirmative Action Self Study, Minority Faculty Staff Association, Ad Hoc Coalition of Black Faculty and Administrators (AHCBFA), Schomburg Committee, Provost’s Office, Institutional Planning, Institutional Research and Specialized Services addressed the Committee.
Upon completion of the retreat and research of such documents as the Strategic Plan and Affirmative Action Task Force Report of 1999, members of the DAC compiled the following preliminary recommendations.
American colleges and universities are charged with creating an environment characterized by equal access for all students, faculty, and staff regardless of cultural differences, where individuals are not just tolerated but valued. Institutional missions suggest that higher education values multicultural awareness and understanding within an environment of mutual respect and cooperation. Institutional strategic plans advocate creating welcoming and inclusive climates that are grounded in respect, nurtured by dialogue and evidenced by a pattern of civil interaction.
Human diversity is variety and otherness. It includes, but may not be limited to age, ethnicity, race, gender, religion, physical or mental abilities and disabilities, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and national origin. In promoting diversity, the University pledges to respect and value personal uniqueness and differences, to seek to attract diverse faculty, staff and students, to challenge stereotypes, and to promote sensitivity and inclusion. It understands that its staff, faculty and students must reflect the diversity of the metropolitan area and beyond. It takes seriously its commitment to diversity as expressed in the Mission Statement and Strategic Academic Plan. (Draft-not yet approved by the Commission on Diversity-June 2, 2003)
The Diversity Action Committee feels that they have just begun to scrape the top of the proverbial iceberg. Utilizing the research and recommendations from such esteemed colleagues as the Affirmative Action Task Force of 1999, the Ad Hoc Coalition of Black Faculty and Administrators and the Minority Faculty Staff Association, we plan on conducting a thorough analysis, summary and offering of recommendations on the following areas by the end of calendar year 2005:
DAC Cabinet/ Faculty Assembly Report (PPT)
Diversity is consciousness: a way of living, learning and doing business at Ramapo College.
A major self study of Affirmative Action practices at Ramapo College was conducted by Acting Director Dr. Frances Shapiro-Skrobe in 1999. Many of the statistics utilized and recommendations made serve as an excellent “primer” on RCNJ diversity issues involving the recruitment and retention of faculty and staff.
1999 Affirmative Action Task Force Report (PDF)
Please contact the chair of the DAC for details on these materials.
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