Critical Reading Strategies
Webex Virtual MeetingThis 45-minute workshop will address how to critically read a text, including pre-viewing, questioning, annotating, using background knowledge, and rereading. All students are welcome. Register
This 45-minute workshop will address how to critically read a text, including pre-viewing, questioning, annotating, using background knowledge, and rereading. All students are welcome. Register
This 45-minute workshop will address Turabian/Chicago documentation style, including page formatting, source integration, footnotes, bibliography, and using the style manual. All students are welcome. Register
Now that you've completed a few weeks of classes, join Vice President Joe Connell to learn strategies to succeed for the rest of the semester. You'll explore tips for self-managing your learning, as well as your academic rights and responsibilities as a Ramapo student. Register
This 45-minute workshop will address planning and drafting strategies for writing an argument paper. Identifying key ideas and concepts through quote selection will serve as the foundation for developing an […]
You've got a lot to do, so planning is essential. Learn ways to become more efficient and reduce your stress. This 45-minute workshop will address time-management strategies and tools, including […]
This 45-minute workshop will address how to use APA documentation style, including page formatting, in-text citations, source integration, and references. All students are welcome. Register
This 45-minute workshop will address how to use MLA documentation style, from page formatting to in-text citations, source integration, and the Works Cited page. All students are welcome. Register
This 45-minute workshop will address strategies for annotating and outlining a text. Critical thinking will be emphasized, including discerning author’s purpose, evaluating claims, raising questions, and using prior knowledge in […]
Sponsored by the Library and the Center for Reading and Writing, this 45-minute workshop will address strategies for evaluating print and news sources, including authority, accuracy, reliability, and timeliness. Fake […]
This 45-minute workshop will address proofreading and editing sentences, including making grammar user-friendly, moving from the macro to the micro level, reading aloud, and visiting the CRW for help. All […]
This 45-minute workshop will address how to use MLA documentation style, from page formatting to in-text citations, source integration, and the Works Cited page. All students are welcome. Register
This 45-minute workshop will address reading strategies for conducting research, including how to read scholarly sources. Determining source credibility will also be discussed. All students are welcome. Register
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