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Welcome to the home page of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at Ramapo College of New Jersey. We’re an interdenominational Christian community of people who love Jesus. All are welcome!
Our vision for our group is to see students and faculty have a SPARKED interest in Jesus, our campus INCLUDED in discussions of faith, and a community that is deeply LOVED.
Jesus said, “Come and see.” John 1:38-39
IVCF’s Mission Statement
See our Mission and Belief Statement here!
The Servant Leadership Team oversees the main operation and weekly meetings of the group. The members are as follows:
Bobby Ciarletta
Email: rciarlet@ramapo.edu
Deia Buluag
Vice President
Email: dbuluag@ramapo.edu
Kara DelSignore
Email: kdelsign@ramapo.edu
Sofia Elizondo-Fallas
Email: selizond@ramapo.edu
Stephanie Montes De Oca
Publicity Chair
Email: smontesd@ramapo.edu
Esther Oduro
Social Media Apprentice
Email: eoduro@ramapo.edu
Jade Sampson
Treasurer’s Apprentice
Email: jsampso1@ramapo.edu
Keziah Cadungon
Small Group Apprentice, Social Media Apprentice
Email: kcadungo@ramapo.edu
Melanie Robertson
Small Group Apprentice, Outreach Team
Email: mrobert6@ramapo.edu
Daniel Rajakumar
Small Group Apprentice, Outreach Team
Email: drajakum@ramapo.edu
Campus Staff Minister
Joshua Chacko
Email: joshua.chacko@intervarsity.org
Small Group
Small groups are one of the most important parts of InterVarsity. Small Groups are Bible Studies where students gather together, grow, and learn about Jesus and His teachings. These are held weekly. Small groups are for everyone, no matter where you are in your faith journey. It’s never too late to join a small group! Email ivcf@ramapo.edu to learn more!
Large Group
Large Group is a weekly meeting that consists of: praise and worship, guest/student speakers, discussion and fellowship, and an opportunity to grow in faith and community. All are welcome! Email ivcf@ramapo.edu to learn more!
Selah (Fall Conference):
Selah is an opportunity for us to push back against the noise and clutter, to make space for what’s important. A three-day retreat, Selah is designed for students to return refreshed, renewed, and ready to love our campus. This takes place during a weekend in October at Lake Champion.
Basileia (Spring Conference):
Basileia is a five-day retreat in May where students learn the ways of King Jesus alongside each other.
Experience Jesus’ transformation, follow His leadership, and make a difference in the world.
Jesus changes everything!
Contact Us!
Email: ivcf@ramapo.edu
Instagram: @intervarsityrcnj
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