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At Ramapo College, student clubs and organizations are recognized as important parts of the total learning experience. Students are urged to take advantage of the many opportunities available, since not all their time is spent in class.

There are more than 100 groups including cultural, academic, religious, recreational, entertainment, political, social and special interest groups. Joining can provide students with interesting friends and give them lifelong memories of their college years. All clubs listed below are open to all students.

Clubs and organizations at Ramapo College are run by students under the general supervision of the Center for Student Involvement unit. Each group operates under its own constitution, according to the interests and enthusiasm of its membership. All welcome new members, new ideas and new directions. Many groups can provide valuable experience and connections to the job market.

If students browse through this list and find their interests are not represented, they should inquire at the Center for Student Involvement about starting a new club or organization. Once the College recognizes an organization, it is eligible to receive financial support from the Student Activities Allocations Committee.

Student Government Association (SGA) Listen WRPR-FM Online

 Student Clubs and Organizations


For a listing of all of the Fraternity and Sorority chapters please go HERE.