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A course instructor has responsibility for managing their classroom and, to that end, should use all appropriate means available (e.g., asking the student to discontinue a particular behavior, deducting points from the student’s participation grade) before availing themselves of the option afforded by this policy.

If a course instructor determines that a student’s behavior is substantially disruptive to others or substantially interferes with their ability to teach the class and/or with students’ ability to learn and if the course instructor has exhausted all other options, the course instructor may remove a student from the class that is in session or may inform the student in advance that they are prohibited from attending the next class session. The course instructor should then follow the procedure below.

If the student refuses to leave or if the student exhibits behavior that is dangerous or threatening, the course instructor should call the Department of Public Safety. Public Safety will assess the incident and take appropriate action.

Once the student has been removed from the class session, the procedure below will be followed.

  1. The course instructor will inform the student in writing, copied to the Dean of the School (Academic Dean), about which behaviors led to the student’s removal from the class session. The course instructor will also indicate that a mediation conference must take place before the next class session. The course instructor reserves the right to have another course instructor or the Dean of the School that offers the course present for the mediation conference. The student has the right to bring an advisor (see definition of “advisor” under the Code of Conduct) to the mediation conference. If the student or course instructor is not agreeable to, or available for, a mediation conference, the course instructor may refer the matter to the Academic Dean for a mediation conference. The student may not return to class sessions until the mediation conference has been held with the course instructor or the Academic Dean, as applicable.

If the matter is resolved during the mediation conference, the student will return to the next class session. In all instances here and below in which a student is permitted to return to class, the student is responsible for making up the work missed while they were removed from the class session(s). The student will be advised of the date when they may return to class sessions, as well as whether any missed work may be submitted, in writing.

If the mediation conference does not result in a mutually-acceptable resolution, the course instructor or the Academic Dean, as applicable, will consult with the Director of Student Conduct to determine if the case could lead to a charge under the Code of Conduct.

    • If it is determined that the case is not a chargeable offense, the course instructor will refer the case to the  Academic Dean, who will schedule a mediation conference with the student. If the Academic Dean has already attempted a resolution, as outlined above, the Dean will make a final determination. In either case, the Academic Dean will communicate in writing the decision, including whether any missed work may be submitted, to both the course instructor and the student. The decision of the Academic Dean is final.
    • If it is determined that the case is a chargeable offense, the course instructor or the Academic Dean, as applicable, will file a complaint against the student with the Department of Public Safety. Public Safety will investigate the matter and forward all reports to the appropriate Departments/Divisions.

2. If the Department of Public Safety originally removed the student from the classroom, or if the course instructor or the Academic Dean, as applicable, files a complaint against the student, the Department of Public Safety will investigate the matter and forward all reports to the appropriate Department/Division. The reports are most likely to be forwarded to Student Conduct or to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Compliance (EDIC). Specific information about the student conduct process can be found in the “Code of Conduct” in the Student Handbook: Information regarding EDIC can be found at

Disciplinary sanctions do not result in a refund of tuition or fees once the standard refund periods have expired.