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ASB: Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Website: Master of Business Administration


About the Program

The Anisfield School of Business MBA Program prepares students to become leaders of a broad range of commercial enterprises and non-profit organizations.  This is accomplished through a comprehensive and highly integrated learning experience that gives students a solid base of global business knowledge and the ethical and socially responsible leadership skills to excel in today’s complex and rapidly changing business environment.

Students completing the program will have:

  • The quantitative, qualitative, and technological skills to transform data from various sources into valuable information that informs strategic and operational decision making,
  • An in-depth understanding of major business functions, as well as the key issues, and interrelationships among them,
  • Well-honed leadership skills that prepare them to responsibly and ethically address business problems and opportunities,
  • The ability to communicate effectively at all levels of an organization, and with its external stakeholders,
  • A global perspective and sensitivity that allows them to successfully apply their business acumen anywhere in the world,
  • This program also provides additional specialized of knowledge in student selected areas, all of which give students highly marketable skills that will help them to quickly advance along their career paths, and
  • Substantial experience in applying their newly acquired knowledge and skills through real world case studies and consulting projects conducted for domestic and multinational business partners.

The MBA program consists of two paths:

  • 30-credit Advanced Standing Program: Students can complete this program in as little as 12 months. This program is available to applicants with an undergraduate business degree who are granted advanced standing. It consists of 10 courses (7 core and 3 electives) of 3 credits each. The core courses cover key business areas that all students must complete. Students can select any three electives with the ability to specialize in business areas such as marketing, project management, and data analytics.
  • 42-credit Program: This program consists of the 30-credit program (outlined above) plus an additional 12 credits in foundational courses. Students can complete this program in as little as 18 months. Students in this program typically have an undergraduate degree in a field other than business. In this program, students are required to take 6 foundational courses (2 credits each) for a total of 12 credits. Students will then complete 30 credits consisting of 7 core courses and 3 elective courses.
Learning Goals and Outcomes for the Masters in Business Administration

Goal 1: Analytical Problem Solving

The quantitative and qualitative analytical skills to transform data from various sources into valuable information that informs strategic and operational decision making.

Outcome 1: Our students will be able to apply analytical decision making models to a variety of business situations and make recommendations supported by the analysis, presenting all key assumptions and rationales.

Goal 2: Integrative Foundational Knowledge

In-depth understanding of, major business functions and the key issues of and interrelationships among them.

Outcome 1: Our students will be able to identify problems, analyze their root causes, suggest the most appropriate solutions, and show what changes must be implemented and how those changes would impact different functional areas of the organization.

Goal 3: Global Perspective

A global perspective and sensitivity that allows them to successfully apply their business acumen anywhere in the world.

Outcome 1: Our students will formulate appropriate strategic alternatives for an organization based on its global competitive environment.

Goal 4: Leadership

Knowledge of leadership decision making styles and the ability to select the appropriate style/s that allows them to responsibly and ethically address business problems and opportunities.

Outcome 1: Our students will learn to strategically select and adapt the situation appropriate leadership decision making style.

Outcome 2: Our students will have learned to strategically make ethical and socially responsible decisions.

Goal 5: Communication

The ability to communicate effectively at all levels of the organization and with its external stakeholders.

Outcome 1: Our students will demonstrate effective oral communications skills.

Outcome 2: Our students will demonstrate effective written communications skills.

Requirements of the MBA Program - 42-Credit Program
  • The degree program consists of 12 credits of foundational courses, 21 credits of core courses, and 9 credits of elective courses.
  • Courses are offered in the Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer.
  • To remain in good academic standing, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Requirements of the MBA - Advanced Standing Program - 30 Credit Program
  1. The degree program consists of 21 credits of core course, and 9 credits of elective courses.
  2. Courses are offered in the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer.
  3. To remain in good academic standing, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.