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Grading Policy

In issuing final grades, course instructors adhere to the established grading systems at the graduate levels.

Graduate Grading System

Course work is evaluated using the following grading scale unless otherwise communicated in writing to students enrolled in specific graduate programs (e.g., MSN, DNP):


Grade Grade Points 

per Credit

Credit toward Program Requirements
A 4.0 Yes
A- 3.7 Yes
B+ 3.3 Yes
B 3.0 Yes
B- 2.7 Yes
C+ 2.3 Yes
C 2.0 Yes
C- 1.7 Yes
F 0.0 No
FN 0.0 No
I No
P Yes
U No
W No


FN; Fail – Non-attendance

Students who stop attending class without an official withdrawal will receive a grade of “FN”.  As indicated in the Grading Scale Chart, this grade will be calculated into the GPA in the same manner as a grade of “F”.

Federal Regulations (34 CFR 668.22 and commonly referred to as the Return of Title IV Funds requirements) require institutions of higher education to return Title IV aid when a student stops attending within the first 60% of the semester or term.  In recording a grade of “FN”, faculty must include the last date of attendance by the student.

Students should also refer to the ‘Leave of Absence’, ‘Medical Leave of Absence’, and ‘Withdrawal from Ramapo College’ policies in the College Catalog.

I; Incomplete (no credit awarded)

Given extenuating circumstances (for instance, reasons of illness or other emergency) when approved by the instructor and when requested by a student who has satisfactorily completed at least two-thirds of course requirements prior to the end of a term. The default deadline for completion of course work is posted on the Academic Calendar for each semester (typically February 26 for Fall semester incompletes and October 15 for Spring and summer incompletes, or the next business day); however, the instructor may set an earlier deadline at the time the Incomplete grade is requested. When the work is completed prior to the completion deadline, the instructor completes a ‘Grade Adjustment Request’ form; the new assigned grade replaces the I. If work is not satisfactorily completed by the completion deadline, the grade is changed to F. A student may not graduate with an I grade outstanding.  No additional work can be accepted or considered after the end of the semester without the Incomplete grade.

IP; In-Progress*

This grade is assigned in Thesis courses such as Thesis Research, when course requirements are not completed at the end of the term.  In-Progress (IP) grades must be resolved within two (2) additional semesters (spring/fall) after the initial term when the IP was issued. IP grades not resolved after three (3) consecutive semesters (including the initial term) will be converted to a “U” or an “F” grade, depending on the individual program’s standards. Students must register for a Thesis Continuation course (0 credits, 2 billing hours). Thesis continuation is not graded.

  • If the student’s Thesis remains unfinished at the end of the third (3rd) semester under IP status (i.e., the initial term when the IP was issued plus two additional terms), the student must consult with both the Thesis Advisor and the Program Director. This consultation must take place no later than the day that grades are due for that semester. At that consultation, one of the following actions will be taken: The student is dismissed from the respective program with a final grade of “U” or “F” (depending on the individual program’s standards) for the Thesis course.  The student has a right to appeal the decision, as indicated below. If a student does not appeal the decision within 5 business days of this consultation, the Program Director will process the dismissal.
  • The student appeals in writing to the Program Director within 5 business days of the consultation for an extension of one additional semester (for a total of three semesters beyond the initial semester) to complete the original Thesis. At the end of this extension, if granted, the student will receive a final grade of “U” or “F” (depending on the individual program’s standards) and will be permanently dismissed from the program if the Thesis is still not completed.
  • The student appeals in writing to the Program Director within 5 business days of the consultation for permission to enroll in a new Thesis course. If the appeal is granted, the student accepts a “U” or an “F” (depending on the individual program’s standards) for the original Thesis course and is permitted one semester only to complete the second Thesis course. If the student fails to complete the Thesis under two distinct Thesis courses, the student will be dismissed from the respective program.

In both cases of appeal, an unfavorable decision by a Program Director is final; a favorable decision must receive final approval from the dean. The Program Director will monitor a student’s progress and will ensure that the student does not exceed the time limits described above.

P; Pass

This option is available in elective and Thesis courses, which instructors have specified as being offered only for P/F grades in the course description. Please refer to the grading table (above) for information regarding how P and F grades impact a student’s credits earned and GPA.

R; Repeated Grade
Repeat course grading is not applicable to graduate level courses.

U (no credit awarded)

A “U” grade may be assigned to a Thesis course when an In-Progress (IP) grade is not resolved within two (2) semesters (spring/fall) after the initial term when the IP was issued (see “IP – In Progress” section above).  A “U” grade is NOT factored into the student’s cumulative GPA.

W; Withdrawn (no credit awarded)

Given in exceptional circumstances for withdrawal from a course. The withdrawal form should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the withdrawal deadline posted on the semester’s Academic Calendar.

Cessation of class attendance or notification to the instructor is NOT considered an official withdrawal. Unless students officially withdraw from a course through the Registrar’s Office, they are still registered for the course and will receive a grade of “F” or “FN” even though classes were not attended.


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