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Ramapo College Graduate Council
The Graduate Council shall (1) recommend standards and regulations affecting Graduate curricula and work leading to a graduate degree and (2) institute standards and regulations as delegated by the faculty. The Graduate Council shall serve and act on behalf of the faculty and students in the Graduate Programs. Members of the Graduate Council include the Deans of the Schools and of the Library, the Vice Provost for Curriculum and Assessment, the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, the Registrar, Graduate Program Directors, the Associate Director for Admissions: Adult Learners and Graduate Programs, and representatives from ARC and the Faculty Assembly. The Graduate Council shall meet monthly during the academic year. Special meetings can be arranged.

The Graduate Council shall perform the following duties:

  • Review and recommend minimum standards for graduate student admission.
  • Review and recommend basic requirements for graduate degrees.
  • Review and recommend new and revised graduate degree programs.
  • Recommend policy on financial support for graduate students.
  • Develop strategies for increasing financial support for graduate students and graduate programs.
  • Hear appeals of academic dismissal and time limits. A subcommittee may be convened to hear these appeals.

Graduate Directors Committee
The Graduate Council Directors Committee will be composed of the graduate Program Directors.  The committee members shall appoint one of its members as the committee chair.  The charge of this committee is to (1)  review and recommend graduate course proposals for submission to ARC, and (2) review and discuss other academic (e.g. curricular and assessment) and programmatic issues for submission to the Graduate Council.

Parliamentary Procedure
Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the conduct of all meetings.

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