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Cybersecurity (B.S)

Website: School of Theoretical and Applied Science

About the Major

Cybersecurity professionals are skilled in computer networks and systems, computer programming, and information management.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics highlights Cyber Security as an occupation growing “much faster than average”, with a projected growth of 32% in 2023. The average salary for Cybersecurity professionals is over $110,000/yr. The Cybersecurity major consists of a rigorous curriculum which delivers core computer programming instruction, depth in computing software and architecture design, breadth in computer science and information management sub-disciplines, along with critical coursework in ethics and technology.

The major requires students to complete core cybersecurity coursework – including 100-200 level foundational computer science courses, an ethics / law course, an information technology course, five upper-level specialization courses, and a capstone. Additionally, students must take two courses in Mathematics and 4 electives.

Outcomes for the Major

Learning Outcomes

  • Outcome #1:  [PROGRAMMING] Demonstrate programming competence in systems programming languages such as C+ or C++
  • Outcome #2 [ARCH-OS-NET] Demonstrate understanding of computer architecture, including data storage, TCP/IP networking, registry memory, runtime scheduling, resource management, and security protocols within the operating system.
  • Outcome #3 [INFO-MGMT] Demonstrated knowledge of principles of information technology within an organization.
  • Outcome #4[ETHICS-LAW] Demonstrate a broad understanding of relevant literature on ethical and legal issues pertaining to computing technology and security
  • Outcome #5 [CRYPTO] Demonstrate understanding of cryptography in relation to computer and network/internet security.
  • Outcome #6 [CYBER-DEF] Demonstrate experience in identifying and assessing vulnerability, threat intelligence, penetrated testing, and defending against common attack vectors in cyberinfrastructrure.
  • Outcome #7 [App-BREADTH] Demonstrate ability to relate cybersecurity concepts to critical areas of software development, such as database systems, web applications, and operating systems.
  • Outcome #8 [App-DEPTH] Demonstrate ability to apply cybersecurity concepts to real-world scenarios through experience developing large programing and systems projects.
Requirements of the Major
  1. Transfer students who have 48 or more credits accepted at the time of transfer are waived from the courses marked with a (W) below.
    Waivers do not apply to Major Requirements.
  2. Double counting between General Education and Major may be possible.  Check with your advisor to see if any apply.
  3. Writing Intensive Requirement (five courses):  two writing intensive courses in the general education curriculum are required:
    Critical Reading and Writing II and Studies in the Arts and Humanities; the other three courses are taken in the major.
  4. Not all courses are offered each semester.  Please check the current Schedule of Classes for semester course offerings.
  5. The Career Pathways Program requirements must be completed prior to graduation. Visit the Cahill Career Center.

Note: A 2.0 GPA in the major is required for graduation.

4+1 B.S. to M.S. Programs
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