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TAS: Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS) 4+1

Website: 4+1 – Master of Science in Data Science


About the Program

Ramapo College offers students the ability to begin the Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS) program while still an undergraduate.  This accelerates their graduate program and allows them to complete their MSDS in one additional year after earning their 4-year Bachelor’s degree.  This five-year program is designed for students enrolled in Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Data Science, and Mathematics undergraduate programs. Students interested in enrolling in the MSDS program via the 4+1 track should contact their advisor, and the MSDS Program Director, Dr. Scott Frees.

Students completing Bachelor’s degrees in other disciplines may also contact the Program Director for assistance in designing a 5-year plan for their specific situation.

Prerequisite of the Program

The prerequisites of the Master of Science in Data Science program are built into the undergraduate major-required and elective courses to ensure students are well-prepared for the graduate program. These include courses in programming, statistics, and linear algebra.

Computer Science
Data Science

4th-Year Coursework

In addition to the courses required by the undergraduate program, students will begin their graduate courses in their 4th year. The policy for Undergraduate Students Taking Graduate-Level Courses Policy is found at:

Thus, students are limited to 3 graduate courses double-counting towards both their undergraduate and graduate degrees. As most graduate-level courses are 3 credit hours and undergraduate courses are typically 4 credit hours, students are to ensure they have taken the sufficient number of credits to reach the 128 credit hours required for undergraduate graduation.

Some courses may count towards the undergraduate major or minor, and so you should speak with your undergraduate major or minor advisor for more information.

Students are recommended to complete 9 credits of graduate level-courses.

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